TomTom for trucking

Jan 5, 2009
I am starting with an OTR trucking operation and I know that TT has a version that allows trucks in Europe to know what roads are legal and those that are not.

For now, I am just using my TTone with a Rand McNally commercial vehicle road atlas and just check the TT instructions against the atlas and go with the atlas when TT wants to send me down a wrong road. I know in the European version TT has you enter vehicle weight, height and length so it knows which roads have W,H,L restrictions and routes you around them.

When this becomes available in the US, do you all suppose it will just be a download that I can add to my TT or will it be a whole new unity?

I ask this because the local Sams Club has a sweet deal on a new TomTom that shows lane changes and I would like to pick it up, but if I have to purchase a whole new unit then I will just hold off.

I know I've seen screenshots of European units where, under planning preferences, it does make reference to your vehicle being a 'lorry' (truck to us). I believe that is part of a TomTom WORK application geared to fleets and not available in NA at all.

I do not know whether you'll see this feature soon in a firmware release so, if you see a good deal on a unit, you might consider grabbing it. There are some ways to help woth directions, etc. when using a truck that may help.

For example, here's a link to a variety of files (poi's, etc.) in various formats geared to rv and truck drivers.
I've been able to view the "truck" side of TT. Personally, I'd say they've got some work to do....before it's ready for "pime time"

Hang tight for now Driver. Your carrier atlas [for now] is your best friend.
The current models that TT offer, are more than adequate [for the commercial driver] once combined with road restrictions published in our carrier atlas.

You can expect the "truck version" to be released as a totally seperate Navcore & mapset. How soon will it arrive on our shore ? Don't be holding yer breath.
Man! A truck version would be great for us RV'ers too. It'd be easy for them to add that restriction. I've asked several times but I guess there's not enough of us asking to make it a priority.

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