tomtom and gsak

Jul 10, 2009
I have a tomtom one 140. I am using gsak to get the data into the tomtom. First I get the gpx file put it into gsak. For the example say there are 142 records. I then go to export to tomtom ov2 and bmp files, which it says it did. I then go to were the files are and copy them to the map folder on the tomtom. Then I start the tomtom and look for the poi. Yes there it is. When I look to see how many records are there it only shows 48. So what happened was it said it was going to do all the records or 142 but in the tomtom there is only 48. Anyone have any idea why this is. My tomtom has lots of memory. Because I took the 142 and divded it up in 3 and made 3 poi files. But that take a lot of work. So any help guys???
I have no idea what gsak is but I think the issue you're seeing is that TT will only normally display 48 items in a category, even if there are 100's of items in the .ov2 file.

Having said that, let's say you have some_poi.ov2 category selected. If you use 'Find' and then type some characters, ALL the items in that category with the letter combination will get displayed, from closest to furthest (as the crow flies).

For example, let's say you choose 'Shopping' and type in "-mar" (without the quotes), ALL Wal-marts in that category will get shown. Notice also that the characters you type do not need to be the beginning of a name.
I have since discovered that GSAK output all the data correctly. I looked at the ov2 file and all the data is there. Yet when I put that ov2 file in the map folder of the tomtom, the tomtom will only show the first 48 records. I looked for any settings in the tomtom menus but nothing to add record numbers. Funny thing is there must be more tomtom users out there with the same unit I have with the same problem or maybe no problem. I would like to hear from you. Thanks for any help. Maybe it has this restriction??

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