Tomtom account

Feb 26, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/hu.png" alt="Hungary" /> Hungary
TomTom Model(s)
Go 520
Hello everyone! I bought a used Tomtom GO Basic 6-inch device! I wanted to update it, but MDC didn't recognize it with any of the original cables. After connecting to Wi-Fi, it recommended an update, but when I wanted to log into my account, I received an oops failed response. After several attempts, I can't even log in with my other device! Something, since I don't know English, I accepted it and since then it says/looking with a translator/ that my account has been deleted or suspended. I am asking for help, let me be a doer!! Thanks!
If you say you deleted your Tomtom account, you need to create a new one if the email address is no longer valid.

You need to create a new account with a new email address.

GO Basic updates are best done over your home Wi-Fi and without connecting the GPS to your computer.
Thank you, I managed to connect, it must have been a network problem...
Hello everyone! I bought a used Tomtom GO Basic 6-inch device! I wanted to update it, but MDC didn't recognize it with any of the original cables.
Just a warning to others. TomTom's entire recent generation of devices has always had a flaw in the code that prevents these devices from making a proper USB connection to any computer. As a result, none of them work with MyDrive Connect which depends upon that connection.

By 'recent' generation, I mean most of what's been sold in the last year or so, including anything starting with serial number characters YA, YB, YC, ZU, ZV, ZW, B3, B4, B7.

This bug has been on TomTom's radar for more than a year now.

The good news is that the only real advantage to connecting any of these devices to MyDrive Connect (or basically, connecting to your computer at all) is to add a new voice, so the hit isn't too awful in actual practice. Everything else can be updated over WiFi. This still doesn't excuse TomTom for not having this bug, a very basic USB function, remedied before these devices were released to the public.

That said, the OP's device is older than the series mentioned above (his will have a serial starting with X5, X6, X7 or X8), and should connect correctly to USB for use with MyDrive Connect.
In the meantime, I managed to connect to the MDC with my account, the cable was original, but it was just some internet error. Yes, you wrote it right, not because of the map update, but because I connected to MDC to download Mariska's voice! Thanks for the clarification!

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