Tomtom 730 - cross/circle

May 29, 2009
Hi all,

Read many threads the past week on here in regards to the dreaded cross/circle error.

I'm not sure but I would prefer if I could get your diagnosis on this one!

TomTom 730, takes about a minute if not 2minutes to display anything on powering it on. In the mean time, you do notice that there is a backlight.

Once the TomTom logo pops up, it takes a few more minutes before it gets to the error message.

I cannot get my computer to read the internal drive however, it does see two drive letters - both requesting I insert disc.

Appreciate any help on this!

Thanks in advance
First, try a pin reset on the unit. If that doesn't help, try the Clear Flash tool found here.

Next, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application.
Thanks DHN
I should have gone more into detail on what I have tried... both have been tried without success.

Have you got a 730? If so, how "soft" is your reset switch? To me, the 530 I had to repair earlier on the week gave a noticable "click" feel but this one is very soft.

On opening it up, it is a bit soft/loose and when I press the switch in, it does >not< reset
I have a 720 which has the same essential hardware as the 730. Every time I've used the pin reset, I really haven't actually felt much, if any, tactile feedback.
Try putting this file onto a blank SD and see if it reads it.

If not, try putting this file on a blank SD and see if it reads it.
OK the first one failed - but I suspect this is my fault. I stated it was a 730 when actually its a 530
I have also noticed I have put this in the wrong forum but I suspect you can sort this out :)

The second cab has worked and it let Home read it.
Home then installed the application and a few voices - obviously no maps on there but the application itself works.

The initial problem does remain whereby there is that blank screen for a while, then the tomtom logo and finally the app loads providing the SD in inserted
Does this mean the internal memory is corrupted?
If the first cab didn't work, but the second did, then the your tomtom had a bad bootloader. The second file has a later bootloader that cleans up any mess on a 530.

Now that the SD is working, try these steps (in order) to check the internal memory:
1) click disconnect in HOME
2) unplug the tomtom cable
3) turn off the tomtom
4) remove the SD card
5) plug the cable in
6) turn on the tomtom

Your computer should allow direct access to the internal memory as a drive letter. See if there's a map folder there (eg: Ireland, UK, Etc). If so, copy the map folder to your computer (make sure show hidden/system files is turned on). Then format the internal ram as fat32, then copy the map folder back.

Then try the repeated home process to upgrade the software in the internal drive to the latest 8.351, then download voices, and hopefully everything's back to normal.
Thanks for your last reply + explanation
Interesting point about the bootloader. I will note that when it did connect to the PC, the internal drive letter (let's call this F: for arguments sake and G: being the SD)...the F: requested I insert Disk so it obviously could not be read.

For now, I cannot try your advice as the tomtom has decided to die. Charges (green light) but nothing happens on powering it on.

Very frustrating!
I keep thinking none of you ever sleep but then I realise the time difference!

I have tried it but no luck - remember my thoughts on the reset switch potentially being a dud too because it never "reset" the unit when it did turn on
With the good SD in the slot, does it turn on? And can the computer format the internal memory once the good SD bootloader loads up?

If not, you can presume the internal memory's dead and the 530 will just have to run on SD for the remainder of its life.

The bad bootloaders from the earlier 740 8.2 navcores were known to cause data corruption on the x30 series. I wasn't sure whether a format with the new bootloader would fix things.
Nope nothing at all
Where previously it turned on and had that brief delay - you could still see power by noticing the backlight turning on

In this case, nothing happens at all - with or without memory card inserted.
My guess is you're dealing with dying hardware.

If you had successfully ran the uncompressed cab on a blank SD a little bit ago, and now you can't, my guess is that portion of the flash that runs the internal bootloader is dying.

I'll move this to the 730 thread to see if anyone else there has any ideas.
mvl, thanks for all your help on this...

I was a little bit more patient on this unit, had a look around inside the unit and it turned out the reset switch was indeed broken hence the soft feel I had mentioned before.
Removed the switch altogether and the unit now turns on

The initial probem however does still remain.

Tried your instructions in order, but same issue - the computer does read the two removable disks (one for SD and the other internal) but the internal is not accessible - error being simply to insert disk so it obviously does not seem to read the internal memory.

There is no signs of physical damage inside so I guess the internal memory itself is just messed up.

If you have any other ideas in the next few hours, do let me know otherwise I'll return the unit as beyond economical repair and the company will probably just end up sellign it as faulty on ebay or give it to me for spares.

Thanks again
Not much else I can think of - flash ram does die over time. Does the device work reliably with the SD always inserted? You could always install maps to the SD and just use it 100% of the time.
How have you treated the device? Use it everyday for eight hours or just once in a while? How often do you plug it in too update things like map share, quickgpsfix, and IQR? How long have you owned it?

Have you dropped it? Its not difficult to "jar" electronics and break something on a microscopic level. I ask because you said the reset button was broken too...

Sorry this doesnt help you much I'm just curious....

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