tomtom 7 on navman s80 no phone menu

Aug 27, 2008
hi ,i have installed tomtom 7 on my navman s80 ,,i did have st smart navigating software which was good but not as good as tomtom ,(i had a tom tom 1 before this)

my question is ,,does tomtom 7 navigator have a phone menu?

my navman can connect via bluetooth to any phone which it did with st smart,,and i could make phone calls hands free but i cannot find any phone menu with this tomtom 7

am i missing any files???

or am i wrong in that tomtom 7 "navigator" dont have the phone menu
For most of us, we have Tomtom Navigator 5 or 6 which were the last versions available for the PDA market. Navigator 7 is not available for sale at the time except when included with a specific device(Tomtom Go series for example).

It may be the lack of a phone menu is a reason we have not seen Navigator 7 available for other devices, or it is just Tomtom not providing enough resources. It may also be that with the release of Navcore 8 for the standalone devices, Tomtom is skipping Navigator 7 for general availability and going straight to 8.

I wish I had a real answer for you on this. I can only envy you for having Navigator 7 at this point.
It is possible that TomTom felt that the software would go on devices that were also phones, so did not see a reason for that functionality in navigator 7

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