Tomplayer makes me go hmmmmmmmmm.....

Aug 10, 2008
Ok, I download it, place it on my card. When I start my 720GO I immediately start the tomplayer. I'm like "cool this is going to work", I attempt to exit and get a black screen. Nothing I do short of removing the card will get me to my TomTom. Sooo I move everything to my TomTom, make an SDK button in the menu builder. It fires the Tomplayer when pressed. And I can even exit back to the TomTom.

BUT...... here is the rub.....

I try to get back into Tomplayer and when I push the button for it, the TomTom rolls back to the map screen. I cannot get to the Tomplayer unless I reattach to the PC, then unplug and go thru the same process. Essentially I have a one trick pony now.

Ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here is the deal on your one trick TomTom.
Go to the web sight and download the new player which is VER212 then you need to download force_reboot, and and place them in your Tomplayer folder.
I have been telling wolfgar,the gentleman that developed this program,all my problem, and as of yesterday it is all working fine.

If I can help you more PM me...
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