Tom Tom XL 340S Updates

Apr 19, 2008
I just started with my new XL340S, over the last several hours I charged the unit, made an explorer backup and downloaded the newest version of TT Home.
I've read about update and map issues with this unit throughout the forum, so I'd like to ask a couple of questions before I foul up the unit.

My unit has TT application 8.414 with Map version 835.2419 (Info obtained from TT Home device manager)

Updates offers me Application version 8.415, but I've seen references in the forums about app version 9. Which one is the newest for my unit?

Should I upload an updated application before trying to get the map updates?

Oddly, TT Home updates shows a North America map version 720.1803 which it states will not work with my device (why would it come up in the list?)

I've read that map version 840 is available, when I download this I understand that I need to delete some unused voices prior to downloading, is that it or is there anthing else I should know?

Thanks in advance, this forum has been invaluable.
First of all have you ever owned another TomTom and re-used the e-mail address for your new device that was locked in with the older unit? If so you need to contact TomTom to sort the mess out as it is quite often what I have outlined above that is responsible for stupid map versions being downloaded.

TomTom Home often updates a device in more than one step, when it has installed 8,415 it will check to see if anything more recent is available but Navcore 9 isn't available for all devices as yet - Mike
I had an old GO 920 which I returned registered to my e-mail address, so I replaced it with the new XL340S when prompted by TT Home.

In regards to the application updates, should I update to the newest app possible before I use my "latest map guarantee"?

Does anyone know which version of the application is the newest for my unit?
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I just tried logging on to TT Home and now there are no updates available, it tells me that my device is up to date even though i never downloaded the aforementioned updates. What can I do with this new issue?
What version map do you have on your unit? Tap the satellite bars to see the application number and then tap the version number to see the map installed and its version. Should be 840.

If Tools-->LMG is not offering that map to you then call support at 866-486-6866.

Maybe the switching of devices with the same email address is screwing things up.
My unit has TT application 8.414 with Map version 835.2419 (Info obtained from TT Home device manager)

LMG tells me that a new map is available, but it doesn't tell me what version, I haven't downloaded it yet until I find out if I should get the application updated first (i have 8.414), but now there are no updates available when last night there was a new voice, quickfix, software update 8.415, etc?
The newest map will be 840. If it does offer an application update, take just that first. Then go get the map and then make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents.
I just got off the phone with Support, and I use that term loosely. They had me uninstall Home and reinstall Home with no results. They state that the current version of the app for my device is 8.3 so somehow mine has some fancy futuristic version (8.414) that even customer service is unaware of.
They were unable to help with any of my issues.

I can't understand how over a span of less than 8 hours, updates that were available for my device suddenly diappeared.

Even if several of the updates were for my previous device the quickfix data should still be there, it is a brand new device that has never been updated.
The latest app for the XL340S is 9.025. Sometimes HOME needs to update to intermediate apps first, then you'll have to update again to get 9.025.

You definitely should update to a 9.x app before using Latest Map Guarantee, since Tomtom fixed a major bug that caused map downloads to take 5+ hours on app 8.x.

My guess is that some of HOME's confusion (and perhaps Tomtom phone support's confusion) is due to your earlier 920.

To clean out the cobwebs, go to "Manage my XL" in HOME, and on the computer tab, remove everything that's there.

Then on the device tab, remove the application only.

Then go to "update my XL" and start the application update process. Keep updating the app until you get 9.025, then proceed with your Latest Map Guarantee.
Thanks MVL, thats a lot of good info. I contacted customer support via email, and they had me do an "advanced" uninstall of TT Home. That also didn't work, so I downloaded Home on another PC (that had no prior TT files on it whatsoever) and that also didn't work. Then I tried creating a new account with only the 340s affiliated with it, and that didn't work either.

Surprisingly last night I connected to TT Home and it offered me the original updates for my XL340S, app #8.415, a new voice "Dave", and US safety camera file. These are the updates it offered me the first time I hooked up before they mysteriously disappeared. This is making me wonder if the problem was just TT Home or maybe their servers all along.
I waited for a day due to Christmas and then the updates popped up.
Wish me luck, I'm going to attempt the update of the application later today hopefully that will go smooth.

Quick question, do I need to do anything in between the steps to get from 8.414 to 9.025, since it is offering me 8.415, I'm assuming I'll have to download each update in between my starting point and my goal. Should I stop and boot the device after each new software is installed? Or can I just keep on upadting until the end?
This is making me wonder if the problem was just TT Home or maybe their servers all along.

Could be the servers. There have been tons of server issues lately (no x50 voices, outages, no Google LIVE POI, my plus activation bug), makes me think their best server people are on vacation.

Quick question, do I need to do anything in between the steps to get from 8.414 to 9.025, since it is offering me 8.415, I'm assuming I'll have to download each update in between my starting point and my goal. Should I stop and boot the device after each new software is installed? Or can I just keep on upadting until the end?

It won't give you every app, just key intermediate ones. You'll need a reset between each app, but HOME does that for you. Sometimes the HOME reset isn't enough and you need to this reset between each app, but only do it if you aren't getting a newer app and haven't yet reached app 9.025.
XL 340S No Maps Found

I just connected my TomTom XL 340S to my computer, running Windows Vista, for the first time. It downloaded the latest map shares updates and some additional updates (new voice, etc.). I ejected the device from TomTom home and then disconnected the USB cable. When I turned my TomTom off and then on again, it came up with a black screen that says No Maps Found! and I am unable to do anything with the TomTom excpet turn it off. I reconnected it to the computer and TomTom home shows that my TomTom has 0 free space but it does not show anything actually on the device. As it is Sunday, I can't call cusotmer service and I am really worried that I completely killed my brand new TomTom. As I've only just used it, I hadn't backed anything up.

What do I do?? Please explain in lay terms, I am knowledgeable about computer use but not programming. Thank you.

I just ran the error check and now TomTom home shows the content but under Maps it says that the item cannot be used on the device because it must be activated first. Now what?
I had the same problem. You have two choices:

1. call Support and tell them you need the Activation code for your newly-downloaded maps. With the increased load on their servers, they have had a LOT of these issues. They will generate a code for you.

2. (this worked for me). Check you Downloads folder that has the file. Follow these instructions to make sure you have the file uncompressed in the Map directory on your TomTom drive (mine is called "INTERNAL" when it is mounted to my Mac).

Good luck...
Well, I successfully updated to App#9.025, it was only two update steps. Now I have to use the LMG to get map#840.

In order to fit the new map How much memory do I need to free up on my device? I've already deleted a couple of foreign voices.

How long should the map upgrade take? I've seen several postings mentioning 6+ hours. Is this right?
Well, I successfully updated to App#9.025, it was only two update steps. Now I have to use the LMG to get map#840.

In order to fit the new map How much memory do I need to free up on my device? I've already deleted a couple of foreign voices.

How long should the map upgrade take? I've seen several postings mentioning 6+ hours. Is this right?

First backup per this link again now that you have 9.025 working properly.

With app 9.022 and later, the time it takes to copy a map from your computer to the Tomtom was reduced from 5 hours to 1 hour. The map still has to be downloaded and is almost 2gigs in size, so you have to add download time depending on how fast your broadband connection is.

Regarding voices, to avoid problems remove all of them before attempting the map install. Once the install succeeds, you can add back in as many as can fit under "add voices" in HOME.
Thanks again MVL.

Once I clicked on "get map" under LMG, it showed me the details of the new map, so I simply deleted all non-english voices and that made more than enough space.
I downloaded the map upgrade last night, it took about 2 hours to download via DSL, and a little over 1 hour to install. But luckily it appears to be working. Wish me luck, I have a trip planned for later today to give it a good test run.


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