tom tom usa map

Yes, the ad says it's compatible with your model but I think for the One XL everything, which means not only the map but the application has to be on the card as well.

I would wait till one of our UK based mods (MikeAlder or Andy_P) sees this thread and responds. They are far more experienced at dealing with maps on sd cards than we in North America,

Check back.
Should work - it says it's compatible. The other option is to dowload the Tomtom one from t'interweb, about the same price.

The only problem is whatever option you go for you'll not know if it works until you get there? I bought the 'download' one, it starts ok in my device but clearly (as I'm in the UK) it thinks I'm a bit daft trying to get a fix! It does start though, so the omens are good.

Don't forget if you download, you'll need to use an SD card as well, so the Amazon option is ultimately cheaper, and less of a palaver - you shouldn't need to format a new SD card. It took me around 3 - 4 hours to format the card with all the correct updates, then download and transer the file. If you're at all unsure of the formatting process, that would rule that option out for me.

Good luck!
Sorry for lateness of reply, I've been away for a few days.

I would advise only buying maps by download direct from Tomtom (via their "Home" utility program).

I hear loads of scare stories about people buying maps on SD card that turn out to be really old versions. I'm not saying that will definitely happen in your case, but as the version number is not even written on the SD card's label, it is difficult for the seller to be able to check the version number for you.

If you need to buy a new SD card for it, you DON'T need to format it before use.
But you DO need to copy everything from the existing card onto it before doing the update.
The easiest way to do that is to make a complete backup of the original card onto your PC (hopefully you do that regularly already!), and then copy that backup onto the new card. Check it works OK, and then connect to Home to buy and download the new map.

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