Tom Tom One & USA Maps

May 16, 2011

Just purchased the USA & Canada Maps on an SD Card from TomTom - about ?55.

We have the TomTom One - whilst it says on the packet it is compatible - the TomTom will not recognise the card when i insert it - I put it in a card reader and there are files on it but cannot get the TomTom to read it - cannot get through to TT on telephone....

anyone any ideas?

Stay right on top of them. You didn't say what happened when you dialed - only that you could not reach anyone.

08451610009 Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. GMT
Bummer. They're likely to be very busy again very soon as the new maps are released -- that probably won't make it any easier. I'd still stay right on top of them and be ready to hold. As things have worked out, you'll probably wind up with a newer map anyway.

Let's clarify a little bit about what you see and what you meant by your TomTom not recognizing the card. If your TomTom is unhappy with the content, and can therefore finds what it believes to be a map but not one it is willing to use, you'll get one sort of message.

Or are you saying that it appears that the unit cannot see the card at all? One way to check that is to plug in the card, plug your USB cable in, and see if you can browse the card through your ONE. Can you try that first?

What (if anything at all) DOES happen when you boot that unit with the N.A. card installed? And does your unit operate correctly if you install a card with the UK_ROI map or whatever you started with?

You also didn't say which ONE you have, and it makes a difference. For example, if you have an old ONE 2nd edition, everything resides on that 1GB card. There's no internal memory to work with. A ONE-XLS would be another story.

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