Tom Tom GO510 and precision!!!!

Jun 14, 2007
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
I have my GO510 for 2 month and i just went on vacation and had the chance to really try my device. For the street turn by turn, no problems but for the actual adress a big 0. It's always off by half a mile or a couple of street too soon. any one have or had the same problem??

Is their a fix or I should send it to Tom Tom???

I have run into a couple of POI's that are a bit off.

The forum has a lot of POI's, perhaps you can try them.

Did that already and they are all off.

Ive had the odd problem as you speak of on all the maps i have. Does this happen every time you input a destination?

Yes to all the destination aven the POI'S that are in the device originaly.:(
When TomTom said you arrived at the destination didn't mean that you arrived, you have to look at the distance countdown on the status bar.
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When TomTom said you arrived at the destination didn't mean that you arrived, you have to look at the distance countdown on the status bar.

I know that but the actual location isn't good. I just went in Montreal and there the adresses were good, seems like it's only in smaller cities!!!
Sorry to pull up an old thread, but I think there are assumptions that all mapping programs make about how houses/buildings are numbered. When I Google Map my house, it doesn't give me the exact location, but shows me the house a couple of doors down. Most mapping software can get you on the right block, but may not get the exact right address because the buildings are not evenly spaced or the numbering is not quite logical. I know on my street, we have the typical odd numbers on one side and evens on the other, but we skip every other one. So if my house is #117, the house next door is #113 and the one on the other side is #121. I would think that automated mapping programs would expect there to be a 115 and 119. And I know in a lot of places, the cities and towns have been renumbering to make it easier for 911 to find a place. Those updates would probably not be communicated or included in map updates. You do still need to use your eyes when navigating with your GPS.

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