tom tom go 720 video

May 26, 2008
hi , can anyone tell me if it's possible to activate some how the video mode, and if it's possible to use it as video player? thank you
I successfully installed the MPlayer from :TomTomHeaven
(You may need to use a translation tool...)

It's a bit clunky but it does work. Creating the video is a bit of a chore though. IIRC there are instructions/tools at the site above to help do that. It all seemed like hard work so I gave up.
hi , can anyone tell me if it's possible to activate some how the video mode, and if it's possible to use it as video player? thank you
Like one of the prior posters, I installed the mobilnova software. Works like a champ using their conversion program, although that takes a while -- just as any similar program on a PC for reformatting of video. With an aux SD card installed, I can get The Sting and the entire Western Europe map set on 2GB and have more than 1GB to spare. for videos is fabulous !!!!
I have super 8 movies of my kids on my GO720 !!
Sad isn't it ... and no one even knows what a super 8 movie
No it is not 8 bits....but it is half of 16 mm !!

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