Tipmaster on navcor 7??

Jul 18, 2007
I have seen several posts stating that tripmaster works on navcor 7 (720?)

If so, is there a tutorial on how to get this working?

Thanks in advance,

Yes, I have read that as well. A member on the yournav forum has said it works.

Try this:

* install Tripmaster on your Rider 2
* run it once, the screen is garbaged
* stop it by clicking in the upper right corner of the screen
* connect your Rider 2 to your PC and edit the file /tripmaster/config.txt with Wordpad
* in this file, change the line screenadaptation none in screenadaptation rider2
* save your mods and re-start your Rider 2
* run Tripmaster, the screen is OK

NB: this fix works only for the screens generated by Tripmaster. The virtual keyboard display, invoked in some Tripmaster setups, remains garbaged. This can't be fixed.

Do you think this line:

* in this file, change the line screenadaptation none in screenadaptation rider2

actually means this?

* in this file, change the line screenadaptation none to screenadaptation rider2
Stupid Question...

Sorry to be 'that guy' but I read about this program a lot however I still do not really comprehend the purpose and benefits from this "Tripmaster". I would be really grateful if somebody explained it somewhat to me, I have been to the website however it looks like a very ordinary compass (somewhat pixelated) and just a different background. Thanks -- the idiot from pa
Tripmaster on navcor 7

Well, I decided to try, and I have immediatly hit a snag.

The instructions for the install say to place the cab files in the content folder.

I have done this, but the new version of home does not appear to use it.

Should I load up an old version of home?

any other ideas?

From roussillat:

Go in TTH v2.0
Menu Preferences, Folder Preferences
Set the Downloads folder to the directory where you've copied the .cab and .toc files or move the files to the directory chosen in the Downloads folder value.
Then click Done
Click in Add maps... then More then Items on my computer, then click on the + before Applications and you should see the plugins
Virtual keyboard

Since i read that the virtual keyboard will not work (it does garbage the screen) are the configuration settings able to be made via the config.txt file?

Example, max speed etc?

Thanks for all info

Tripmaster is not working very well on GOx20. I have tested it a lot, and I have given up. The screen adaption process takes a lot of CPU-time. You can see that Tripmaster hangs from time to time, it looks to be frozen for a minute or two. And the log file is also wrong. Log points are being skipped and when it starts logging again the distance from the last logged point (can be several miles when frozen) is not added to the total.
I got it to install on the 720, but the screen is hashed when I go to tripmaster. Can't seem to get it to clear with the instructions I found on the site.
Placing files in the "downloads" directory of Home2 seems to be the answer for installing 3rd party apps.
Tripmaster on TT510 w/ Navcore 7

Yes, I have read that as well. A member on the yournav forum has said it works.

Try this:

* install Tripmaster on your Rider 2
* run it once, the screen is garbaged
* stop it by clicking in the upper right corner of the screen
* connect your Rider 2 to your PC and edit the file /tripmaster/config.txt with Wordpad
* in this file, change the line screenadaptation none in screenadaptation rider2
* save your mods and re-start your Rider 2
* run Tripmaster, the screen is OK

NB: this fix works only for the screens generated by Tripmaster. The virtual keyboard display, invoked in some Tripmaster setups, remains garbaged. This can't be fixed.

Hey Digital- is there ia similar fix to get tripmaster working on a 510 with Nav. 7???
Yes, I would try the same fix. It works on the One, even though you are telling it to act as if it is Rider. Give it a try.
As I said earlier, you will not be satisfied with Tripmaster on Navcore 7. If you are able to get it running (that is possible), it will not work as it should. And on most trips the log will not be correct:(

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