Time to Retire my 540XXL

Jan 25, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
Good Morning Group:

I'm interested in replacing my 540XXL which has served brilliantly for a number of years. What I must have in its replacement is the ability to plan a multi-stop itinerary/route. Something I have been doing with the assistance on TYRE.

So in short, what device offers those two prerequisites:

  • Itinerary planning
  • Compatibility with TYRE
Thanks in advance for thoughts...

Tom G, Sr.
Newer units (Nav4, as we call them) can handle routes created as *.itn files. The mechanism for moving an *.itn to these new devices is quite different, but the *.itn file structure is the same as it has always been.
You can also create a multi-point itinerary on the unit if need be, though that process is a bit different, too.

So what other features tickle your fancy? That will help us narrow things down a bit more.
Newer units (Nav4, as we call them) can handle routes created as *.itn files. The mechanism for moving an *.itn to these new devices is quite different, but the *.itn file structure is the same as it has always been.
You can also create a multi-point itinerary on the unit if need be, though that process is a bit different, too.

So what other features tickle your fancy? That will help us narrow things down a bit more.

What is the least expensive unit that offers my prerequisites?.

Could you elaborate on the moving of the*.itn files... how does it differ?.

TIA for the input.

Tom G, Sr.
Unlike the 'old days', there is no direct interface to the file system of these newer units. TomTom uses a web system called "My Drive Web" to transfer information to them, including routes and personal POI files.

At present, the consumer TomTom devices only support *.gpx 'track' style files, but it is easy to convert an *.itn into a *.gpx, or create them natively with a whole host of different tools. Those routes can be transferred to your device using the My Drive Web interface.

You can also plan a full route using the My Drive Web interface, and send that route directly to your device.

There's also a phone app available that allows sending destination info to a current generation device, and that same app also provides the Live traffic data for it.

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