Storing Favorites

Jun 10, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
um...TomTom One Third Edition
Hi, I'm new and I'm asking this for my boss. He has a 720 and he wants to know how to save a favorite to the itinerary. Not just the GPS location, but he means to name it. We are a company that runs specific routes to our customers. He's never done the in town route. He wants to put the addresses in and name the places. Did anyone understand that?! HELP!!!:confused:
Okay I am back in the office.... :) What I am trying to do is basically assign a name to a "stop" on an itinerary. Whenever I mark a fav it will ask me to assign a name to that fav if I would like to. I would like to create an itinerary and rather than the address show when loaded the name show.... We run routes through town for pickup and delivery 2 times a week and if I could list the name of the business rather than the address then my drivers could see the destination. As it is they are trying to find an address on buildings that often times do not have an address on them..... Anyway this maybe beyond TT but I could really use this option. Thanks ahead of time for the input.
I do this with the PoiEdit software ( -- just load your itn file and name the stops as you like. I have the TomTom One 3rd, but I assume the 720 would be similar.

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