Splash screen question

Mar 1, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 540m
I own the XXL 540M and created my own antitheftw.bmp image. I believe it's the correct size - 480x272 and it appears when I shut down the unit. My question is - why do I have black bands on the left and right side of the image? I thought that the image would be stretched to fit the screen. The original image was 1280x800.
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The TomTom cannot stretch anything, the image needs to be the right size and aspect ratio

I've not seen the pixel dimensions for the extra large screen written down and the only XXL sized device I have is a NAV3 device so I cannot "see" any of the files on it.
So the simplest way is probably to examine the original antitheft.bmp image in the same paint program and check the dimensions of that, then match those with your new image. You do have the original?
Yes, I have the original but I just noticed that the image i used, has the black bars on it, after running it through the splash screen generator. I'll try some different aspect ratios with the screen generator and see how that works. Thanks
Byrd6563 -

1280 X 800 converts to: 480 X 300

Since you stated you had black bars on the sides - you probably converted it to: 435 X 272

Your original image will be distorted somewhat - if you make it properly fit the TT. Or it will not be distorted - if you allow the black bars.

I established a special email account for TT because I was seconds away from doing a lawsuit... not doing that anymore cause they fixed it. Still have the email.

So, work on your picture; but if you want - I could convert it for you in less than 15 seconds; using Photoshop.

Want to do that - just email the image to: tomtomlawsuit@

And then after the @; add the following: skybreeze.info

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Thanks for the offer DavidS777, I appreciate it but I have found the correct aspect ratio. 2560x1440 wallpaper images work just fine.
so what's the final splash screen image size for that model, Byrd6563?
Did you look at the original antitheft.bmp, or does your generator program tell you?
@Andy_P: The 4.3" and 5.0" models use the same size splash screen (and don't forget the "w" in the filename for the 4.3 and 5" units). Only the 3.5" require the smaller image.
Good, that's what I had always thought....

I just couldn't understand why the OP was having problems if they were using the right size (480x272)

Sounds like it was all down to the "splashscreen generator" dong the best it could with an original pic of the wrong aspect ratio, i.e. it not cropping it, just resizing it.
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