Splash Error

Nov 27, 2009
I just got my TT XL 325 SE :)

I love it so far, but I now have an error :(

I plugged my TT into my PC (XP) and updated added some basic update files, backed it up (with no problem), then clicked the green "eject" button in HOME and a red X started to flash next to the TT on the GPS Screen.

I try and restore it through HOME and I get this error. I also get this error while trying to do other sync type things through HOME.

Please help :) Thanks so much in advance!!!

ERROR: DesktopLib/DeviceItemScan/Error: Error during scanning for navigation items HomeBase/IO: Error reading file: J:\splash.bmp
@ .\portable\cfile.cpp(1938)
@ .\framework\DeviceItemScannerThread.cpp(74)

in .\framework\DeviceItemScannerThread.cpp:74
0. function errorAbortTask chrome://tthome/content/logic/ttTask.js:508
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 00:21:42 GMT
I just bought one from Walmart.com. Should be here in about 7-10 days.

Note to self. When I get mine do not update it.

You and brian2mn have both reported splash screen errors after updating it via home and trying to eject it.

Wonder if anyone else has contacted TomTom tech support about it and gotten a resolution. As my 1st GPS, if it happens to me, I will be very disappointed and then will have the belief I should have stuck to my gut and gotten a Garmin. They are not w/out issues either. I know some friends that have a Zumo 550. While their issues are annoying they have easy fixes. Hoping this issue is due to operator error and easily fixed too.
I just got my TT XL 325 SE :)

I love it so far, but I now have an error :(]

HomeBase/IO: Error reading file: J:\splash.bmp

Sounds like corruption on the Tomtom drive. I've seen reports where HOME disconnects before the writing is complete, and corrupts the drive.

You should make sure the red X is gone from the Tomtom screen before you click the disconnect button, and wait for the red X to appear again before physically unplugging. Hopefully HOME fixes this error.

To recover, run a chkdsk /f on the Tomtom drive (J in your case), then open the drive up with Win explorer and delete j:\splash.bmp
I was messing around in Home and made some setting changes, no updates. Once I got done, had no red X, pressed the blue eject button and got a constant flashing red X w/ a circle around it. This was going on for 10+ minutes.

Since I ejected it and get the red x, I assumee It was ok to disconnect it from the pc at this point based on the info. given previously? How do get back to the GPS menu? When I disconnected it, it just kept the flashing red X.

So I get into Home just fine and I can operate the TT while I am in Home just as if I was in the car, but when I try to use the unit itself, it just keeps flashing the X with the circle around it.

I even went back and undid the changes I previously made via Home (change car icon and unchecked one of the boxes in the safety features)

The 1st thing I did was make a backup of the files before I did anything. I get an error when I try to copy those files back to the TT.
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Try downloading and running (3 times) the Clear Flash utility found at tomtom.com/6211
What is the proper way to disconnect the TT from TTH?

Clicking the blue button on the bottom right isn't and waiting for the message about it being ok to disconnect, apparently isn't it.

At least last night TT would not ask me if I would like to connect to the computer, but TTH would recognize it. Bottom right says TomTomXL.

Also reading info. about making sure the TT is charged for at least 2 hours? Why is that important if it is hooked up to a charging system (car or computer) while you are using the TT?

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What is the proper way to disconnect the TT from TTH?

Indeed, use the blue icon and WAIT till you see the yellow progress bar on the screen of the unit actually go completely to the right. This will happen a second or two AFTER you see the 'safe to disconnect' screen pop up.

Also reading info. about making sure the TT is charged for at least 2 hours? Why is that important if it is hooked up to a charging system (car or computer) while you are using the TT?

The unit is designed to be used with a car charger. Don't believe the marketing baloney of 'up to' 5 hours battery life; you'll be lucky to get have of that. And, as the unit gets older, battery life is diminished. As the battery level gets lower, certain functionality ceases, such as computer voices (if available) cease to work and, it's reported, that if battery level gets too low, the unit just shuts down.

So you CAN use the unit with battery alone but why?
Well did it 6 times. 3 times w/ TTH running and 3 times w/ TTH closed. Still getting the flashing X

I don't see a progress bar either on the unit or in TTH.

Also the directions said once you click the arrow for quit, the unit should reboot, which it didn't.
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followed the instructions in this link

TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems - Support home - Select your product

While it was installing to internal memory, I get this error
Error Writing file: c:\PNDNavigator

ERROR: HomeBase/IO: Error writing file: C:\PNDNavigator
@ .\portable\cfile.cpp(1947)
in .\portable\cfile.cpp:1947
0. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/commit.js:82
1. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/ttwizard.xml:1058
this._commitFailed(i, commitPage);
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:79
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 02:43:36 GMT
Followed instructions on running disk checker. I found it on the TomTom site, but can't locate it again.

My computer
Right click on tomtom drive
selected properties
clicked tools tab
checked both boxes for Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors

Shortly after it started it get the error
Windows was unable to complete the disk check.
I tried to reformat the drive and it just says Windows was unable to complete the format. The directions say to use fat32. Does that make a difference?

I can't copy my backup files to the tomtom drive because it says it is not formatted.
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Tried using Disk Management to format the drive and it tells me the format did not complete successfully. It goes all the way to 100% and then gives the error message.

Partition Magic won't recognize the drive.

I can't think of anything else.

I guess barring any other suggestions, I think I will just return it.
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I am considering either a complete refund or an exchange.

Is there a way to get the updates from TomTom without having to connect the device to TTH?

Could I download the update via TTH to my pc and once downloaded I could copy/paste the files to the TT outside of TTH?

Just seems the issue is connecting and making any changes in TTH. Don't know if it is a hardware or software issue. I am leaning more towards software since it was working before I connected to TTH.

In this case too, I tried countless times to reformat the device and they failed everytime. That points to a hardware issue. Could be all of the above too.

My expecation was at least is no issues out of the box.

Of course there could be the the other option. I have a few friends in IT and they call it an I/O error (idiot operator :D)

There are ways to get the application from TomTom's server without using Home to get it or install it. You must use Home to get the map but you don't need Home to install it.
How do you get maps w/out installing it?

I thought maps were device specific. Do you have to connect the device to TTH to get the map?

Yes Tomtom home is the only way to download maps.

Sometimes home doesn't install it properly (especially if out of space on the Tomtom, or if you use an SD card), and that's where the manual installation process helps.

Otherwise, you should be fine installing maps via home.

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