Speed Limit.

Mar 8, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
XL Classic
New to Tomtom, so excuse the question. Why is it that sometimes the legal limit for the road/street does not show, and other times it does? When it doesn't show, there is no alarm to indicate you are exceeding the speed limit, I know because I purposely tried it. :) I'm sure I have the right boxes ticked, otherwise it would not show some of the time.
It all depends upon whether the map data has the speed limit contained with it for the actual road you are travelling on, most M and A class roads in the UK are covered (but not all) some B class roads have a little coverage and most residential areas have nothing - Also remember its not 100% correct all the time as there are errors in the data, drive by the speed limit on the road sign NOT that depicted by the TomTom - Mike
Thanks Mike. Yes, I noticed on my first use of it that there is about a 2 mile stretch near us that was showing 60mph on TT, when it has been 40mph for at least a year or more. There seems to be a disrepancy of about 5mph between my car speedo and TT, any idea which is likely to be the more accurate speed?
Tomtom is right when speed is concerned. I confirmed with a speeding ticket while I was on cruise contron on a highway. 128km.h indicated by both Tomtom and cop's laser gun.

My Suzuki motorcycle is always showing about 10% higher than TomTom so, 100km/h on speedometer is about 90km/h on Tomtom. My car with original summer wheels and tires always agree with Tomtom.
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Tomtom is right when speed is concerned. I confirmed with a speeding ticket while I was on cruise contron on a highway. 128km.h indicated by both Tomtom and cop's laser gun.

My Suzuki motorcycle is always showing about 10% slower than TomTom so, 100km/h on speedometer is about 90km/h on Tomtom. My car with original summer wheels and tires always agree with Tomtom.
Did you increase the size of your tires on the Suzsuki? If yes, did you reset the ratio?
Over here it is basically illegal for the speedo on a vehicle with original equipment to display a lower than actual speed.
New to Tomtom, so excuse the question. Why is it that sometimes the legal limit for the road/street does not show, and other times it does? When it doesn't show, there is no alarm to indicate you are exceeding the speed limit, I know because I purposely tried it. :) I'm sure I have the right boxes ticked, otherwise it would not show some of the time.

Addition to what mikealder has answered, depends on which TT model you have, there is options that you can set Alarm/Alert if you go over the speed limit. I don't remember exactly where that would be but play around at Safety feature under Change Preferences.
Base your vehicle speed on GPS read out NOT the car speedo as thats far less accurate due to tyre wear/ drive train etc - The GPS speed is deadly accurate as far as a car on a highway is concerned even with the update rate of only once per second.
Steady state its great, under heavy acceleration you car might accelerate faster than the speed read out of the GPS but unless you are driving a NASCAR/ Indy/ F1 its hardly an issue - Mike
I agree with all of the above, on the motorcycle I know that at highway speeds there is about a 10% difference between the TT and my speedometer, in the car it's only a couple of mph difference, so I will normally depend on the TT, I have a 2-3 yr old one xl and it shows mostly the speed limit on the highways and flashes red when I exceed the limit, so for me I think it works good............
My old Taurus would have a speed of 118k/hr when the speedo showed 120. My new Hyundai Tuscon registers 116/hr when the speedo shows 120.
Maybe it's a trick so people go slower? ;)
No, but it does prevent you from blaming the manufacturer for your speeding tickets!

My Hyundai SF shows 75mph when my TomTom shows 74. Close enough for govt work. Certainly nowhere near the 10% figure. Any time I hear a number like that, I assume someone has moved off the factory tire size and screwed up the calculations for the replacements.
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Why was this post:

(Originally by Arno)---
Did you increase the size of your tires on the Suzsuki? If yes, did you reset the ratio?
Over here it is basically illegal for the speedo on a vehicle with original equipment to display a lower than actual speed.
My bad! The speedometer indicates 10%* higher*. I corrected my post.

My sister have another model of Suzuki and the difference is the same. I also checked with a friend with a Ducati and the 10% was there also. Maybe it's a trick so people go slower? ;)

changed by someone to this:


I do not use animated smileys and I certainly do not appreciate being attributed to text I have never posted !
Don't feel bad, Arno. My reply wound up with paspossible's name on it. Looks like we had a bit of a database glitch there somewhere.
Got this today from Bell Canada HQ
From: "Bell Internet Customer Service" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 11:16:31 -0400

Due to an outage affecting providers worldwide, you may have been unable to send or receive emails on Thursday, March 18th. The issue has now been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Sincerely, Jim Myers Senior Vice-President Customer Service

Corporate Secretary's Office of Bell Canada and BCE Inc.
1, Carrefour Alexander-Graham-Bell, Building A-7, Verdun, Qu?bec, H3E 3B3
Copyright ? 2010. Bell Canada. All Rights Reserved.
Thanks to ARNO, he sugested to go on the Trans Canada Hwy to test out the speed warning feature. He was correct, here in Canada just like the red light camera feature the feature is limited. I got speed warnings and occasional red light warnings.
No, but it does prevent you from blaming the manufacturer for your speeding tickets!

My Hyundai SF shows 75mph when my TomTom shows 74. Close enough for govt work. Certainly nowhere near the 10% figure. Any time I hear a number like that, I assume someone has moved off the factory tire size and screwed up the calculations for the replacements.

Something's weird, I never posted the above. Look like we're even getting posts from another forum! (bell Internet stuff) Something is wrong here! lol!!
Something's weird, I never posted the above. Look like we're even getting posts from another forum! (bell Internet stuff) Something is wrong here! lol!!

Read my post of 2010-Mar-20 at 06:43 PM again. It is I who quoted an eMail from my ISP, Sympatico.ca, a division of Bell Canada. No other forum, my quote.

Although it was about eMail, saying Server problems world wide is more likely the culprit than Canderson's suspicion of database problems.

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