Sooner isn't always better

Dec 29, 2007
Quebec City, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
GO 720
After a couple Months, I can now say i'm part of the community here, and that I intend to stay ;).

Then there it is:
Hiya all,
Glad i found you guys, really resourceful.
If anyone needs help with french-english translations, let me know.(but I won't do your homeworks:D)

Long live the forum.

Dom. from Quebec City, Canada
Bienvenue sur le forum!
Pardon les pauvres fran?ais. Je suis convaincu qu'il va ?tre membres d'ici qui sera en mesure de r?pondre ? toutes vos questions (plus clairement que moi)

Good to see all the quebec people coming on board.:)
Glad to see ya stay, but one thing. What did this person say?

Bienvenue sur le forum!
Pardon les pauvres fran?ais. Je suis convaincu qu'il va ?tre membres d'ici qui sera en mesure de r?pondre ? toutes vos questions (plus clairement que moi)

Good to see all the quebec people coming on board.:)
Glad to see ya stay, but one thing. What did this person say?

I said .. a bunch of French stuff and then:
Good to see all the quebec people coming on board :)

seriously though

I said:
Welcome to the forum!
Pardon the poor french. I am confident there will be a member here who will be able to answer all your questions (more clearly than I can).

I then ran it through google translate:

to convert it to french.

I love google

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