SD card in My One XL wiill not work

Mar 30, 2009
I have a One XL. I searched the site and I found threads about the XL-S but not on mine. Nothing really clear either. Mine came with all the software preloaded in the unit. I wanted to make my own car Icon. If I read correctly, I need to have a SD Card to do this.
When I install the card (2gig SD) I get a visual alert to remove the card.
I saw a post that says that I might have to move all the software to the card. Is this correct?
If so, How do I do this?
I'm not sure why you need a sd card to make a car icon. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure you can have custom car icons on your unit.

Be that as it may, yes, for your model, either everything (maps, operating system) must go on a card or internal. The model, unlike the Go series, does not see external storage **in addition** to internal.

You use Explorer to move everything from internal to the sd card. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.
sd card

Heres what ya do:

Back up your unit! you dont want to get it stuck on guam maps, im still trying to fix this issue myself. but after you back it, what you'll need to do is format the SD card to fat32. then make sure the tomtom is off, insert the SD card, plug it to your computer and turn it on, it will want to connect to your computer, tap yes, then tomtom home will start doing its thing and then your SD card will be a tomtom device. you can run it with out and then if plug it in hot swap style you'll see it shutdown then power up and bam! you will be on the SD card.
I wanted to make my own car Icon. If I read correctly, I need to have a SD Card to do this.
When I install the card (2gig SD) I get a visual alert to remove the card.
I saw a post that says that I might have to move all the software to the card. Is this correct?
If so, How do I do this?

Version 8.010 offerd by Home for One XL gives the option in Preferences to Change the Car Icon for 3D view. TT Home offers hundreds of icons to download.

If you are making your own icon, first be sure it is in the proper format. Then copy it into your unit's \cars folder using Windows Exploer. It should appear as a choice when you select CHANGE CAR ICON.

SD Card usage is explined in many places here. Try a search. You recieved that warning because the One only uses either Internal memory or SD, not shared, therefore One could not find an application on the SD and told you to take it out.
The windows explorer worked great. Thanks. That's all I was hoping to do was add an icon of my actual car.
Since I don't need the SD card now, I guess I'll use it on my camera. Now I'll never run out of space for pics.

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