Safety_Cam_US_Other ??


Jan 4, 2010

I've search the forums for this but I can't find any mention of this particular issue. if it's been discussed somewhere else, please let me know?

A couple of weeks ago, the Safety Camera database that is downloaded to my GO 740 LIVE from TomTom HOME changed filenames from "Safety_Cam_US_Canada" to "Safety_Cam_US_Other". This of course confuses my unit because it is still looking for the old Safety_Cam_US_Canada file name.

Any ideas how to fix this or make things happier?

I tried various things like copying the "Other" files over the top of the "Canada" files, for fun, and also linking the "Canada" names to the "Other" names and neither of those helped. In fact, both of those just broke the camera database completely.

I've e-mailed TomTom Support about this and of course they sent me a useless reply about how the US coverage isn't so detailed, etc, which does not address this particular problem. This is an update issue. The coverage for my area is actually normally very good.
Emailing support is usually next to useless. Try calling at 866-486-6866 and speak to a live representative. If he/she doesn't resolve the issue, ask to speak to a supervisor.................
After further research and calling TomTom and also some posts in another thread that I found, it looks like TomTom have purposely broken this service in the US without so much as a notification to current owners. :(

I'm never buying another TomTom device again. People had warned me that they are unpredictable and unreliable but I didn't listen. Sigh.

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