Safety Cameras

Jan 16, 2010
Brighton, England
TomTom Model(s)
Go 730
I have 4 safety cameras on my device which are these letters at the end:
I am not sure whether there is an individual one for each country and as I will be going to France and Holland this year I obviously would like speed alerts. Can someone please explain this to me and tell me how to get safety cameras for Holland if I don't have them above?

I also have the following in Points of Interest but I am not sure what they are:
Blitzer At TomTom
Fartsboks No TomTom
Flitspaal Nl TomTom
Kamerat Fi TomTom
Radar Be TomTom
Radar Es TomTom
Radar Pt TomTom

Please help me as I don't want to delete things that are useful. Cheers, Paul
I have 4 safety cameras on my device which are these letters at the end:
Blitzer At TomTom
Fartsboks No TomTom
Flitspaal Nl TomTom
Kamerat Fi TomTom
Radar Be TomTom
Radar Es TomTom
Radar Pt TomTom
United Kingdom
Thanks for your reply Arno.
I am still unsure what the things that I listed that are in Points of Interest are though? And how to get the safety cameras for Holland back onto my device?
OK, Paul, let's start with your telling which Model TomTom you use.

First off, the items you list as POIs are actually the Safety cameras for those countries of which I gave you the Internet two letter designations, not Points of Interest.

I trust that you made a complete back up of your device with Windows Explorer, not HOME.

After you did that, connect with HOME and select Manage my GO (your device).
Here in Manage your navigation device are two columns. One shows what is actually at this moment on your device, the other what is on your computer (including the full path to the folder in which it is).

The question now is "Why do you want to delete anything?"
If you need the space (this is why I asked which TomTom you have), short of your Application (Operating System) and map you could delete anything as you can copy it back any time from your complete back up folder on your computer.

In the screen print below you will see that I have 18 car symbols on my device. I only use the default blue arrow head. I didn't bother to delete anything as I still have 3.6 GB free space between the internal memory and the SD card.

What exactly are you trying to do with you device. How do you want to use it. Do you need the space to play music?

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And how to get the safety cameras for Holland back onto my device?
I see that I did not address this question of yours.

There are no safety cameras for the Province of Holland only, there is the full safety camera Folder for the whole of the Netherlands. which is on your device, listed as Flitspaal Nl TomTom
How is it that some safety cameras are in the folder Safety Cameras on my device when I go to manage my device and some safety cameras are down as POI?
In each of the safety cameras info it says I only need one subscription, does this mean for each country?
How is it that some safety cameras are in the folder Safety Cameras on my device when I go to manage my device and some safety cameras are down as POI?
In each of the safety cameras info it says I only need one subscription, does this mean for each country?

Safety cameras have two components. Under manage my GO they are slightly different icons for each. One is the POI listing of the latest safety cameras, and the other is a license file that permits the camera preferences menu to function.
Thanks for your replies guys.
I think I have it but still a little unsure whether I need more than one safety camera as it says you only need one subsricption but I don't know if this means for each country.
Sorry to be asking these silly questions

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