Roll Your Own Contacts / Phone Book

Jan 21, 2009
Vaughn, WA
TomTom Model(s)
GO 720
I know this information has been presented on this forum before but I had to search through many messages and assemble bits and pieces of information, some of which turned out to be inaccurate. So here it is in one place - with pictures - to help all us "noobs". (Sticky anyone?!)

Note: The instructions given here work properly on my TomTom GO 720. They will probably work the same or within the variations mentioned on other TomTom models but I make no guarantees. That said, I don't believe you can harm anything even if does not work for your particular TomTom.

OK, so you've successfully connected your Bluetooth phone to your TomTom GPS. Unfortunately, you cannot retrieve your Contact or Phone Book list from the cell phone. All is not lost, you just have to enter them in manually. This can be a bit of a chore if you have LOTS of contacts, but its still better than not having them at all.

Open a simple text editor (on a Windows based PC, Notepad is fine) and begin typing in your contact information in a format as shown in the picture.

NAME, a comma and the phone number . That is all that is really required on my TomTom GO 720. With your TomTom connected to your computer, save it to the Contacts folder in your TomTom.

I've seen examples given where each field is within quotation marks and perhaps some models of GPS do need it. Try it both ways. I've found that on my TomTom, either way works.

The third field shown - WORK, CELL, HOME & DEFAULT determine the type of little icon displayed in front of each entry on your Tom Tom. See the picture of the actual display compared to the text file. Again, I've seen examples where folks say to use MOBILE instead of CELL to display the little cell phone icon. If I use MOBILE instead of cell, I just get the DEFAULT icon, which also displays if no icon type is called out in the file.


The text file above displays like below on the TomTom GO 720.
Note that TomTom re-sorts the list alphabetically.


Save the "contacts.txt" file to the "contacts" folder in your TomTom.
Note: Your TomTom may have a different letter than (M) as shown on mine.


After you've saved the new Contacts list to your TomTom, disconnect it from your computer and try calling a couple of the numbers to make sure everything works properly (remember to have your Bluetooth phone on and nearby!). You can tell the folks you've called that you were testing out the capabilities of your new TomTom GPS and how massively cool it is and that they really need to buy one for themselves and then join this forum.

This is excellent and also works on my Rider v1. One thing I noticed, was that on my Nokia 6021, I can import the phone book but the Rider will only import one number per contact and label it up as "DEFAULT". In reality I have multiple numbers per contact, set up with 'work' and 'mobile' numbers in my phone. It's a shame that the Rider doesn't carry these numbers and their corresponding 'types' across.

How I got around it:

I copied all numbers from phone memory to SIM memory and imported contacts into the Rider in the usual way. I then just manually had to go through the contacts.txt file, replacing "DEFAULT" with "CELL", "HOME" or "WORK" when needed. A bit of a pain but everything displays nicely on the Rider and as it's essential to have quick and easy access to the phone book when I'm on the bike (as I need to keep my attention on other things, eg when stopped at traffic lights), not having to go through a bunch of different numbers for the same person to find their work number is a must! Having the appropriate icon next to each name is great.

Many thanks for this!
I know this information has been presented on this forum before but I had to search through many messages and assemble bits and pieces of information, some of which turned out to be inaccurate. So here it is in one place - with pictures - to help all us "noobs". (Sticky anyone?!)
I know searching in forums is a bit of a pain but had you found this you could have saved yourself a lot of typing as it explains how to import your cell phone book.

No matter doing what you just did is very satisfying in the knowledge that you have acheived something and, as already seen, helped others.

Carry on the good work ! ;->)
I didn't check out your link, but I believe (at least with my 8830), when the address book is brought into the GPS, you don't get the names along with it. I found it a real pain trying to filter through the numbers to find the one I needed. Quite honestly if I could remember the numbers and who the belonged to I wouldn't have to worry about putting them into a phone or GPS, I'd just dial the number.

I didn't check out your link, but I believe (at least with my 8830), when the address book is brought into the GPS, you don't get the names along with it.
Maybe you should have bothered. Then you would have found out that not only did it import the names from my Samsung phone, it also listed the Home, Business and Cell phone numbers for each individual in the phone book.
Don't you love these Forums. They can be the best place to get help, learn new things, and run into all kinds of people.

Ok I read it and I don't see anything about your samsung. Further to that, I did state that on my 8830 the only thing that was sent across from my phone to the unit was the phone numbers. Where the names are suppose to be all I got was double quotes (""). The thread that you posted shows how you can modify the entries in the text file to add the names or add the number type (mobile, home, work, etc). I got that from simply looking at the file. My issue is that I have over 500 different people, each having several numbers. I'm not about to type all those out. Because there are so many different phones by many manufacturers it goes without saying that while your phone may have sent across all the information you needed, many may not. Mine certainly didn't.

Funny....Joe, I went to the link posted (and suggested you should read) and found no additional information...LOL...When I transfered from the BB8830 I got the same as I transfered, deleted the numbers that I didn't need and added names to the ones left...:D
Exactly. You would think with how advanced the BB is, it would bring everything over. Knowing how it works, I'm sure I can jig something to extract it from my Lotus Notes Address book in the format I need. Then again it's just as easy to dial right from the BB address book as it would be to hit all the buttons and dial from the GPS. Sometimes you just want to do thing cuz you can....LOL
Thanks for posting this. I missed the earlier thread(s).

Some notes:
(On my GO 720, at least,) I found it to very forgiving as far as the names go.
I didn't have to use quotation marks for anything, including:

white-space: John Smith
numeric digits: Free 411
ampersands: Bob & Doug
apostrophes: Domino's Pizza
punctuation: Dr. John Q. Public!

Since the list auto alphabetizes, you can "float" frequently dialed names to the top by appending punctuation to the front.
For example:


I did have to capitalize the icon names: HOME, WORK, CELL, & DEFAULT
Although, DEFAULT can be left off entirely for the same effect.
I know searching in forums is a bit of a pain but had you found this you could have saved yourself a lot of typing as it explains how to import your cell phone book.

No matter doing what you just did is very satisfying in the knowledge that you have acheived something and, as already seen, helped others.

Carry on the good work ! ;->)

Arno, Thanks for the Kudos and I had already seen the thread you referenced, but my How-To is for those of us who cannot import our Contacts list from our phones as the phone does not support it.
Okay, here's a new one for you guys. I have a Voyager (VX10000) and these steps worked fine for me. One problem, I have to dial *82 in order to come through on caller ID. Even if I put it in the GPS leaves out the *.

Does anybody know how to fix this?

Also, is there a way to edit the contacts from the GPS?

Thanks, Dennis
No matter how I set up my phomne book I get the defult icons. I have tried cell, mobile and all caps and still get the same defult icon. Is there any other tims maybe. Go 720 8.302 nav and 8.25 map

There cannot be a space between number and type of phone
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