Rider (latest model) wont pair with AGVoice headset.

Jul 6, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Rider (1GD0.002.03) , XL Europe
Hi to all, new here, have a problem with my Rider (1GD0.002.03) and connection with AGVoice helmet bluetooth system, no connection what ever i try. Any ideas?
I've looked all over to see what Bluetooth profiles the AGVoice system supports, and can't spot that info anywhere. If you have the manual, look carefully for any reference to A2DP. That's what your Rider supports.
I go a reply from AGV, only one with "contact us" option was AGV USA (searched quite a lot)
This was my question:

> Hi.
> Greetings from Finland, northern Europe.
> I just installed my AGVoice in my helmet, it was waiting the moment that i
> have use for it.
> Just bought latest TomTom rider (1GD0.002.03) and i cant pair them :-(
> Is there possibility that i could get some kind update for my AGVoice, it
> would be nice to get these two system working together.
> I asked this problem also from TomTom, they wanted to know that what is
> the bluetooth protocol what AGV uses, can you answer that?
> It isnt in the manual.
> Yours,
> Henri Rauhamaki from Finland

This is their reply:

Hello Henri,

Thank you for the inquiry.

As we do not distribute the communication system in the US, I have been
waiting for the information from Italy on the TomTom. Here is their

Our Technical Department has informed us that it's not possible to update
the Bluetooth tool, this is the reason why they can't be compatible even
if they are in the same HSP mode. The customer can try update his Tom Tom
Rider and retry the connection with our Bluetooth tool.


So, maybe a dead end...
Yes, the TomTom does not deal in the HSP protocol, and as I noted, I did not see that the AGVoice system supported the A2DP protocol. So yes, it does appear to be a dead end.

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