Rider 550 Saved Routes not syncing

Jul 28, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/fi.png" alt="Finland" /> Finland
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 550
Hi, I did yesterday 3 long routes and saved them to my TomTom Rider 550. Now I can see them in my TomTom device.
Will those be synchronized so that I can see them in MyDrive App (iphone) and in the https://plan.tomtom.com/ ? Is the syncronization just slow or what?

My device in connected to the internet with fairly good upload/download capacity.

Best Regards from Finland,
If you have recorded a route while driving, you can view it using Tomtom My Drive.
You must be logged in to Tomtom My Drive.
Well as I said they do not showup in the App and not in the web-application the https://plan.tomtom.com/ ?

And yes, I am logged into my account with the device, app and web-site.

So they should upload to my account, right?
Is the syncronization just slow or what?

I will check again tomorrow morning.
Br, Paavo
Currently there is a bug with the synchronization of routes on Mydrive, we must wait for Tomtom to find a solution.
If you recorded your ride as a track, you have to "export" it to the SD card, remove it and then manually copy from that to your computer. If you created a route (i.e. with stops and way points) on the device, there is no way to get it off there.
I did complain to TomTom support about how crap this was [1] and they just ignored my point and explained how to extract tracks which I'd already mentioned in my question.
[1] along with several other defects in usability which make the new device less useful than my old but tired Rider 2013.
On the new Rider devices, there were several good improvement ideas but TomTom in their wisdom decided to implement them badly while crippling existing functions.

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