Reverse Directions - 920T

Feb 22, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
2535 TM
Hi all, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I ran into a situation the other day that I couldn't figure out how to solve for.

Is there a way to reverse your trip once it's complete?

For example, I'm traveling from point A to point B in unfamiliar territory. I completely forget to jot down the address for point A. When I get to point B and finish my business, I want to turn around and go straight back to point A the way I came.

I can't find anything in the manual that addresses this. I know that I could have changed my Home location before I left, noted the address or intersection, etc., but assume (as I did) that I just didn't do those things.

Thank you.

Hi all, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I ran into a situation the other day that I couldn't figure out how to solve for.

Is there a way to reverse your trip once it's complete?

For example, I'm traveling from point A to point B in unfamiliar territory. I completely forget to jot down the address for point A. When I get to point B and finish my business, I want to turn around and go straight back to point A the way I came.

I can't find anything in the manual that addresses this. I know that I could have changed my Home location before I left, noted the address or intersection, etc., but assume (as I did) that I just didn't do those things.

Thank you.


Best thing to do is to remember to save your current location (i.e. point A) before going to B.

Then, to reverse, simply select point A as a destination when needing to go back.

I am not aware of another way to do it.
Hi all, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I ran into a situation the other day that I couldn't figure out how to solve for.

Is there a way to reverse your trip once it's complete?

For example, I'm traveling from point A to point B in unfamiliar territory. I completely forget to jot down the address for point A. When I get to point B and finish my business, I want to turn around and go straight back to point A the way I came.

I can't find anything in the manual that addresses this. I know that I could have changed my Home location before I left, noted the address or intersection, etc., but assume (as I did) that I just didn't do those things.

Thank you.


Grump_Aero_Guy has it'll just need to save your starting point as a favorite or POI and then NAVIGATE_TO that favorite or POI to get back.

If you want to take the EXACT same route, the only way to really do that is use ITINERARY PLANNING to map out waypoints in one direction and then have a REVERSE itinerary that uses the same waypoints. Easiest way I found to create an itinerary and then a reverse itinerary is using the TYRE application......TYRE actually has a button to simply reverse your itinerary one you create one.
I realize it's a slightly different case but as a reminder, if you used the TomTom to get to Point A, you can find Point A in the list of Recent Destinations, and navigate back there.
Another way is one we used when in Australia a few months back. We picked up a rental in Melbourne and knew we'd have to return to the airport the next day to pick somebody up. So, I just set the airport as 'Home'.
when you reach your destination, the instructions on the task bar stops. but the map still displays the route you had just taken. The highlighted trace on the map does not get cleared until you hit 'clear route'. So even if you forgot where you came from, you should still be able to zoom out the map and check out the origin of the previous route.
I found a program called Reverseint that seems to work ok. Had to make a change in the Config file to screenadaptation rider2.......

Thank you all for the responses and ideas. You've at least confirmed that I wasn't missing anything. I've read about the TYRE application, but have never tried it - guess I'll have to look into it a bit!



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