Reuse Maps

Jul 28, 2007
I own a TomTom One v2 with maps version 6.65. I am planning on buying a TomTom One v3 for my daughter. I believe that this device comes with the new map version that feature mapshare. Would I be able to download the maps from her unit and install them on mine? What files would I need to copy to do this successfully?

Second question. If I buy a TomTom One LE, can I download that software and install it on my TomTom One v2?

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You won't be able to transfer the map to the new ONE to yours as each map is tied to the device.

If by software, you mean the firmware, you should be able to however they all have the same software version and features when all updated. Of course there is the difference of the map where the ONE LE would be version 7 and as explained above you can't transfer that.
Thank you for the information. I am curious how the maps are bound to the device. Does that happen upon install? I assume that I can buy a map set. How is that map set then connected?

The v6 maps require you to acquire an activation code which bound the map to your unit. Your map code is unique and won't work on any other unit.

The new v7 maps can only be installed thru the Home program, and TomTom ties it to your specific unit to, but in a different manner.

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