Renault Laguna 3 Carminat Problem

Aug 24, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ie.png" alt="Ireland" /> Ireland
TomTom Model(s)

The Carminat in my 2010 Laguna is displaying only clock and temp. I’ve reset it several times, and have also updated the SD card. This seemed to work first time but it’s gone back to clock and temp only.

Any idea how I can fix this?

Is the radio working?
Have you tried reinstalling an old backup?
Is your SD visible on Tomtom Home.
Is the radio working?
Have you tried reinstalling an old backup?
Is your SD visible on Tomtom Home.
Hi, thanks for the response.

No, radio not working. Screen shows only time and temp. I don't have an old backup as I've only had the car a few weeks. SD is visible on TTH and I've updated it. When I did this, then updated the Carminat, it worked and I thought I'd solved it, but it's back to time and temp only now. Gargh.
I don't think it's the SD card that's causing the problem, there must be something else.
You can try with another new SD of 8 GB maximum.

Have you checked the fuses unless there are wires disconnected at the back of the GPS.
Another question when you bought the car did the GPS work?
Hi, yes, fuses checked and all ok. Everything worked perfectly when I bought the car; the screen suddenly went to clock and temp only and all sound a couple of weeks ago while driving.

I assume to access the back of the unit to check wiring I’d need to remove the top of the dashboard?
OK, so I ejected the SD card and left it out for a few hours. Reinserted it now, started the car and the system is working. How long til the fault returns, though? Who knows? This is no way to live 🤪
It must be the contacts of your SD card or GPS that must be dirty, try to clean it delicately with a soft cloth.

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