I think there are still a few variables to consider here. I bought a refurb off of Ebay. Factory sealed and all. I was pleasantly surprised to find that, what I thought was going to be a refurbished TT One version two, was actually a "New Edition/LE/4" or whatever you call them. I had the lastest software and everything.
Shortly after my purchase, new maps came out. But when I decided to try the map guarantee that I thought I had, I discovered I didn't have it. So I called TT support was treated like a bothersome child who wouldn't leave them alone. They(he) were very short with me and quite blunt. Needless to say, I didn't gain anything that way.
The way I understand it, there is supposed to be something in the box that says I get the map update and it isn't always in the refurb packages. Sometimes, you get a rational, nice support tech who understands how the world might believe the "Latest map guarantee" advertisement and grants you the upgrade. Other times you don't.
I'm not bitter about the refusal to get the upgrade, but I wish there really were 'truth-in-advertising' laws with teeth. It really gets old.
Did I mention that this was my day to rant?