
Dec 25, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
I have a TT540M XXL. Haven't had any problems until recently it rebooted as I was in the midst of a confusing intersection. I will say that it hasn't rebooted since. Anyone having any experiences like this? Or is it to be expected?
I have had a XXL540M for about a month now and it has rebooted about 5 times on me. I have notice each time it did reboot was short time after turning the unit on. I haven't had it on a trip yet so I'm not sure what to expect out it. I'm hoping it's a software problem and one of the tomtom updates will fix it.
Not sure if this is a fix (or workaround really), but I have had intermittent reboots at times on my XL-335TM. Usually about once every 5 to 7 days. Since some of the recommendations have been to use HOME to add or delete a favorite, I thought I would try something. I deleted some of my favorites down to where I now only have one page of favorites (no arrows on the right side for scrolling). Since doing that, my TT has not rebooted even once! That's a little over two weeks now. AND... I've updated my map to 860 during this time too.

As I said, not sure if this is a workaround or not, but just thought I'd share this with the forum. I'll post back if my TT ever reboots again.
I have notice each time it did reboot was short time after turning the unit on.
I don't recall which all models/firmware seem to respond well to the following, but some of them do. Before you shut your unit down at the end of a run, be sure to use the "Clear Route" if you were actively navigating. I'll be curious to see if that helps you out as it has some of the rest of us.

Scratch my thought above about reducing the number of *Favorites* to one page worth to stop reboots. Must have been a coincidence as it rebooted today ? first time in about 3 weeks.

I was coming home from the west coast of FL with a planned route, stopped for lunch so turned off TT (leaving route planned). When I turned it on, it looked like it was going to work ok, but then rebooted. When if came on (and before it found any satellites) it showed my position as being home on the east coast. Then after finding satellites, it caught up to my position and continued the planned route.

Maybe TT will find what's causing this and will incorporate the fix in the next NAVCORE update.

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