
May 2, 2010
Hola, me llamo Jose Rafael, vivo en Miami y tengo un TomTom Go 730, hace un a?o le incorpore la antena RDS-TMC con mucho exito, no he tenido problemas de conexion, soy driver y me ha ayudado mucho en mi trabajo. El problema surgio al expirar la suscripcion, la cual renove a traves de Tom Tom Home, y jamas he podido conectarme de nuevo, siempre me sale un mensaje que dice, su suscripcion con RDS-TMC CLEAR CHANNEL ha caducado, renueve a traves de home....He llamado a Tom Tom support, pero no hay agenteS que hablen espa?ol y mi ingles es desgraciadamente muy malo...No se si ustedes podrian ayudadarme como hacer para volver a tener este servicio..desde ya les agradezco enormemente su atencion....Jose Rafael
Unfortunately, my Spanish is probably a lot worse than your English, so while I can read what you wrote, I can't help you with Tech Support.

None of us can help, really. You DO need to re-subscribe through TomTom technical support if you cannot get Home to make the subscription for you. Find a friend that speaks English to help you with the phone call to TomTom here in the U.S.

Here is my (probably terrible) Babelfish translation.

Desafortunadamente, mi espa?ol es probablemente mucho peor que su ingl?s, as? que mientras que puedo leer lo que usted escribi?, I can' ayuda de t usted con la ayuda de la tecnolog?a.

Ningunos de nosotros pueden ayudar, realmente. Usted necesita re-subscribe a trav?s de soporte t?cnico del gong si usted no puede conseguir el hogar para hacer la suscripci?n para usted. Encuentre a un amigo que hable ingl?s para ayudarle con la llamada de tel?fono al gong aqu? en los E.E.U.U.
A little over forty years I was fluent in Spanish. I still can read but wouldn;'t attempt to write.
I think the Babelfish translation is quite good and brings your message across reasonably well.
A little over forty years I was fluent in Spanish. I still can read but wouldn;'t attempt to write.
I think the Babelfish translation is quite good and brings your message across reasonably well.

Hello, I have been called Jose Rafael, alive in Miami and have a TomTom Go 730, for a year incorporates antenna to him RDS-TMC by far success, I have not had connection problems, I am to driver and it has helped me much in my work. The problem surgio when expiring the subscription, which renove through Tom Tom Home, and never I have been able to connect to me again, always leaves a message that says to me, its subscription with RDS-TMC CLEAR CHANEL has expired, renews through home?.I have called to Tom Tom support, but there is no agenteS that speaks Spanish and my English is unfortunately very bad? Not if you podrian to ayudadar to me since to make to return to have this service. .desde already I appreciate enormously its attention to them?.Jose Rafael
...when expiring the subscription, which renove through Tom Tom Home, and never I have been able to connect to me again, always leaves a message that says to me, its subscription with RDS-TMC CLEAR CHANEL has expired, renews through home?.
Which is why I advised him that he was stuck dealing with Tech Support to restart his subscription, and needed to find an English speaking friend to help him with the problem.
It's probably cheaper to buy the surplus antennas off of ebay. digitalonesurplus sells them for around $20, and the 730 is one of the older models that still supports that antenna.

per google translate:

Es probablemente m?s barato para comprar el excedente de las antenas fuera de eBay. digitalonesurplus los vende por alrededor de $ 20, y 730 es uno de los modelos m?s antiguos que todav?a apoya esa antena.

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