Rant: won't stop talking

Sep 6, 2008
Telegraph Rd (Michigan) is a wide (3-5 lane each direction) road with a divider. Apparently the people in Michigan hate left turns so every 1/4 mile or so they have these places where you can make a U-turn (if you want to turn left you drive past the street, make a U-turn through the divider then turn right. For five miles down the road every 1/4 mile the tomtom unit would tell me not to make a U-turn: "After 400 yards, stay to the right then stay to the right". This is even more annoying than the unit's inability to distinguish between feet and yards.:mad:
You could give this a try...

Under Change Preferences
Change Voice
Just select the voice you already have (Susan for mine)
First screen of options - Click Done
Next Screen: De-select "disable keep to highway lane instructions:"

If that still doesn't do it, try some of the other options available at the same screen.
I have a One XL-S with app vs 8.010

On mine:
Change Preferences
Blue Arrow 3 times...
Change Voice
It shows my current selected voice, Susan
Hit Select
I now have a screen titled "Speech Preferences" w/ 6 options
Hit Done
I now have a screen title "Speech Preferences"...
This is the screen which seems to have the applicable choices

If your unit version gives you a different set of menu choices....see if anything is listed like "Speech Preferences"
Last edited:
No such options

I'm using the XL, same version of software, but there are no such options available.
...not sure...

Looking around my preferences screens, the only thing I could say to try:
On the last preferences screen (7 of 7)...There is an option to show all or fewer menu options...if it says "SHOW ALL"....select that and give it a try....but on mine I see the speech preferences as described previously with either menu option setting...
Are you trying to "change voice" while connected to your computer via TT Home? I was playing around with this....I do NOT get the 2 follow-on speech preference screens via TT Home....I DO get them when I am disconnected from the computer...
If I use the computer voice "Susan", I get the speech screens...Other voices, I don't get the speech screens.
At this point, it sounds like your model can't access the applicable Speech Preferences for things like "disable keep to highway lane instructions"....If nobody else can confirm that or not, you might want to ask TT support specifically if your model can access speech preference screens...

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