Quick Menu On, Off

Jul 23, 2010
Ronkonkoma NY
TomTom Model(s)
XL 335 S, Via 1535TM
How do I turn the whole thing On or Off? I searched through every menu choice on my XL IQ Routes edition TT (XL 335S) I could find, but couldn't find a menu choice to do it. Then I searched through the user manual for my device, then TT support, then TT forum, and I still can't find the info. I spent about 6 hours yesterday trying to figure it out. Thing is, I've done it before, a few weeks ago, But searching through my memory isn't helping either. Could someone just tell me?
If your model has the option then there should be a preferences-->Quick Menu icon. Within it are options for what to show on your quick menu (green arrow on the driving screen).

If no options are checked, the quick menu (green arrow) does not appear on the screen at all.
Thanks DHN. I never would have figured that out by myself even after years and years of trial and error. Also the way the error correction report button works - it either appears by itself on the main screen, or it turns up on the Quick Menu, depending upon whether there is anything assigned to the quick menu (other than itself) - is rather confusing. I am even having trouble finding the words to explain it to others. Also, there are 2 phrase used to describe turning it On or Off, "show report button [to mark locations you want to correct later]" and "[show] mark location of map error [button in quick menu]" and it is not self-evident that these are describing the same thing. Plus, if in Quick Menu Preferences, you select only a single checkbox,"mark location of map error," to "show in the quick menu," it doesn't actually show in the quick menu, but appears, instead, on the main screen.
Some people claim that many of TT's models have a menu system that is "too complicated" or "more complicated than, for example, the Garmin menu system. However I find that I like having lots of menus and submenus. It is not the complexity of the menus that I am complaining about, rather it is mis-labeling of menu choices, or incomplete labeling, and using different terms, for the same exact function, depending upon where you are in the menu hierarchy — as well as unpredictability — that I am complaining about.
To be fair though — most of the menu hierarchy is understandable, and predictable. It is just in a few places where there are problems.
And the discepencies in terminology have been reported to TomTom directly, that I know.

It is NOT an excuse but the reality is that TomTom is a European company with European developers and Business Analysts. While many, if not all, are fluent in English, the fact remains that English for most is NOT the mother tongue.
And the discepencies in terminology have been reported to TomTom directly, that I know.

It is NOT an excuse but the reality is that TomTom is a European company with European developers and Business Analysts. While many, if not all, are fluent in English, the fact remains that English for most is NOT the mother tongue.
Which is why a company doing software that requires multiple languages should farm out the language localization part of the project to a company with broad language skills (speaking from personal experience) rather than trying to tackle it internally.
Actually, if this was a language problem, TT would not have had the same confusion in regard to the cross-language pictograph that they use for the error marking button. If TT arranges to put the button right on the main screen, they use one button. If it arranges to put the button as a sub-button under the QuickMenu button - it uses an entirely different button, that doesn't much resemble the other error-marking button. It isn't that only the language they use is different, but the buttons are different also. Suggesting that this is a problem of lack of communication between 2 groups or 2 persons working on the same project, rather than really a lack of communcation due to lack of sharing the same language, problem. or lack of ability to translate from the original language that was used, when creating the program, to another language.
If you add error reporting to the main screen, it adds it to the quickmenu.

- If there's only one item on the quickmenu, Tomtom skips the quickmenu and shows that item's icon directly on the main screen.
- If there's two or more items, Tomtom will show the quickmenu icon and take you to the quickmenu screen
- And as dhn has said, if you remove all quickmenu items, Tomtom won't show the icon

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