
Dec 1, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
TomTom Model(s)
I recently purchased an XL330S. What general category does this model fall into in this Forum?

When in Home.. I am not able to operate my unit from the Computer.. tells me it's not yet an available function, however the button is there in HOME. This would be very helpful if available.. any idea when it may come?
Which version of Home do you have installed. Also, which application number is on the unit ? I am surprised to see that you are getting that "not available " message - I had not heard of that before.

If you installed Home from the supplied CD, download the latest Home version directly form the TomTom website and let it update it.

As for the forum, there is not specific section for your unit, but many issues are common, and would fall under "general discussion" and by surveying new posts in general. You can also search the forum for specific issues are having - like "home".
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Further information

Home is version
Application is version 8.014

Hope these help.

When I click on Operate My XL, I get the message: This function is not yet supported for your navigation device or operating system. Which seems to indicate to me that it will be soon!

Another question: When I find errors in the map and report them by changing them in my device and sharing. What is the procedure for them becoming a part of a next map release? Do they stay resident in my unit and get applied if I download a newer version of the map? Or, do I lose them?

I've only sent in a few so far but wonder if I should keep track of them to apply them in subsequent downloads?
You can **hope** your changes get into the next map update and if many report the same change, they may be in it ... but don't count on it.

Making a list of changes is a very good idea! :eek:
I had an XL 330s and when I spoke to TomTom Support about the Operate My XL they acknowledged that the function is currently unsupported and there was no ETA on a version of Home that will operate it. The main reason for me wanting this function was that it is the only way to add a PIN to password protect the unit.

As to your MapShare corrections being incorporated in the next map release might depend on how often it was reported by the community. One other thing, from what I've read in this and other forums a map update will erase your favorites, routes, and other customizations you've done. I might be wrong on this, but I'd investigate further and definitely have a backup available.


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I have found it useful for other functions also - but once again - TomTom has decided to limit the features of the lower end devices to try and steer purchasers to the more expensive ones.

This one should be activated for all models - period! No effort needed at their end - except thay have flagged it off for some units.
Home Functionality

:confused: So ... if it has been taken away from Home support ... what's involved in putting it in there?

As far as being steered to something more expensive.. it isn't one of those deal breakers!! Just be nice to have a larger view and be able to click my way around!!
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