Puzzling Voice/ text /map discrepancies

Dec 1, 2010
New York
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 540 TM, TT Go Android
I'm wondering about how some odd discrepancies between spoken directions, map, and text might arise.

Can you explain these?

1. Voice says, "Keep right, then, turn left"
The road is two lanes in each direction. There is no reason to keep right. The left turn is made from the left lane.
The map shows it correctly.

2. Text directions indicate 17 miles on highway, then exit number Searingtown road. Searingtown road and exit number are correct.
While driving, however, text at top of screen shows "Northern State Parkway" instead of Searingtown Road, but exit number and distance are correct. Somewhere within couple of miles of the exit, the on screen text changes and becomes correct. Northern State Parkway can be reached via the Searingtown exit, but is not the exit name.

What might cause these discrepancies? How should they be corrected?


XXL540 TM, latest firmware
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I'm wondering about how some odd discrepancies between spoken directions, map, and text might arise.

Can you explain these?
I surely can't explain those. I've had my 720 and 740 on the same stretches of road (even making the exit off the LIE at Searingtown, headed for Port Washington) and never had it produce odd stuff like that. What I can't recall is whether there is/was a sign anywhere there that indicated that the exit would take you up to Northern if you wanted to get there. It could be they picked that up by accident at some point in the map data.

Normally, the "keep left" followed by an "exit right" has to do with exit only lanes, but if I'm understanding the piece of road where you heard that, there aren't any exit only lanes there.

Then again, I'm on a somewhat different map set with my two units (called the North_America_2GB map).
Can you post the Latitude /Longitude positions of start and end points of a route that demonstrates the problem? So we can try it too.
(I'm stupid, I can't tell even what country you are in, let alone where "Northern State Parkway" is.)

Most models have a user-setting to show these in the bottom corner of the Browse map screen (tap on "options" on that screen). Or if not, you can get them in Google maps.
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2. Text directions indicate 17 miles on highway, then exit number Searingtown road. Searingtown road and exit number are correct.
While driving, however, text at top of screen shows "Northern State Parkway" instead of Searingtown Road, but exit number and distance are correct. Somewhere within couple of miles of the exit, the on screen text changes and becomes correct.
I have my TT set to show the next turn at the top of the screen too. Normally it would be the street name of my next turn ? but sometimes I see the name of the road I'm already driving on listed! I figure it's probably because it's part of the next instruction ? like 'keep right'. After that 'keep right' instruction, the street for my next turn shows at the top of the screen.
By chance is "Northern State Parkway" the road you're already on? Just a thought.

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