I recebtly porchese a TomTom XL 330 for a gift to my son.
He asked me to check if upgrade was needed and I connect it to my Compuer.
Everything was fine. Ton Tom Problem requested to make and upgrade of the USA & Canada Map.
The upgrade was fine.
Then requested to make another upgrade of several thinks incliuding a Voice of samantha.
This is when problem started.sems there was not enough capacity and the XL 330 hangs up.
Request to get rid of some program to finish the download
the system become like a loop were nothing could be bone.
I remove the TT from the computer and the TT did not want to turn off y hold the off butyon
for a while and fimally turn off.
I turn the button on again and TT started fine but nothing else it wont go into map running.
I try to reset but could not fine any hole to do so.
I connect the TT to the computer again and the Comp.do not recognize the Tom Tom.
Please Help
He asked me to check if upgrade was needed and I connect it to my Compuer.
Everything was fine. Ton Tom Problem requested to make and upgrade of the USA & Canada Map.
The upgrade was fine.
Then requested to make another upgrade of several thinks incliuding a Voice of samantha.
This is when problem started.sems there was not enough capacity and the XL 330 hangs up.
Request to get rid of some program to finish the download
the system become like a loop were nothing could be bone.
I remove the TT from the computer and the TT did not want to turn off y hold the off butyon
for a while and fimally turn off.
I turn the button on again and TT started fine but nothing else it wont go into map running.
I try to reset but could not fine any hole to do so.
I connect the TT to the computer again and the Comp.do not recognize the Tom Tom.
Please Help