Problem with connections, please help

Dec 20, 2008
Hello out there !

I have a problem, and I will become very happy if someone can help me.

I have an tomtom go 930, and when I am trying to connect my tomtom device throw fm in my car the device aren't given out sound throw the cars speakers wich I want.

At the beggining the device is given out some "test sound" and I hear it, the speakers in the car is given out the sound like the sound when you set up a channel in your radio but there is't any channel at that location, what I want to say is that the device is broking his connection towards the cars fm.

Thanks !
I believe current applications have disabled this feature. You might search the forum for this and see if there is an older or some other application you can roll back to.

TomTom blames it on a regulation in Europe about FM broadcasts, but it has a lot of people unhappy over here.

All I can think of is perhaps you can try googling for something like 'clear fm frequency + (your country) [Norway?])

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