precision of 630

Apr 21, 2010
when I'm arriving at the turning point already, my 630 still shows 30-50 meters to turn, is this normal or it's a precision defect?
May be a function of poor mapping in that area. Also, if you have too many poi categories set to show on the map (more than about 4 or 5), screen refresh can be affected as well.
630 precision

it's not only in a particular area, it's every where I go. and it happens even there is no poi on the current screen.

so I assume this is not normal? is it common with any 630 or is it a individual defect on mine? thank you.
I've had a 630 for about 4 months and understanding its operation by useing this forum helped me when I didn't know what to do.
In regards to your situation, my 630 warns me approximately 400 meters before a turn is comming up and I use a computer voice that gives you the street name and more information that the recorded voices offer.
I have mapping problems here where I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada where one of the Main streets addresses is totally screwed up.
We both have the 630 and I can see the occasional problem but not on every street. I wish I had an answer to your situation but all I can say is my 630 is very accurate in the turns and a couple of meters of the destination. Talk to the people you got it from if the problem continues.

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