Poor map quality in Denmark

Jun 4, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/dk.png" alt="Denmark" /> Denmark
TomTom Model(s)
Go! app
With every "update" the data quality seems to drop. I drive all over Denmark, often in city centres, where I more an often get routed through permanently blocked or one-way streets against my direction.
Speed limits are also often off, but that's excuseable, since the traffic hating unelected traffic politicians are constantly lowering the limits.
Then there are the gas stations, where TomTom label them all under the premium brand name, CircleK for instance, when most of them are fuel-only unmanned stations named "Ingo"
Lastly, It keeps suggesting the ferry route Sjællands Odde - Ebeltoft, which only sails once a weekand only in the summer. For all practical purposes, it doesn't exist anymore.
For the one-way and blocked streets, all we can suggest is frequent use of this tool:

You can also use that tool to modify the names of POI such as fuel stations.

The problem with the ferry is that TomTom's NDS mapping still doesn't seem to be capable of managing time dependent routing. This isn't just a problem with ferries - there are roads whose direction changes based upon time of day, too, not to mention many turn restrictions that depend upon day/time.

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