Phone not sending route to 6250

You don't say what mechanism you're trying to use on your phone to send the route to your 6250. Two (and a half) come to mind:

Using the MyDrive phone app to create the route, and connecting the phone app to the 6250 to send the route.

Using the old MyDrive web site (now to create the route, and using your phone as a WiFi or bluetooth hotspot to send the route to your 6250 from the online planner.

My own preference is the online planner + WiFi hot spot for anything 'interesting'. If really simple, I just plan on the device. Using the phone as a WiFi hot spot also gets me a more reliable traffic connection back to TomTom.
Anyone having same issue, how can it be fixed ?
GO 6250 has a SIM card so there should be no connection problem.

In my opinion you are not connected to Mydrive and on your GPS with the same identifiers of your Tomtom account.

In the Tomtom services on your GPS disconnect you and reconnect with your correct identifiers.
There was an issue with syncronising routes for a few user accounts. This was fixed on the back-end beginning of August. You may need to log out and back in on your GO 6250 to apply this fix.

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