Patch to enable use of .itn files?

Nov 20, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
XL IQRoutes 2

Is there a patch for the XL IQ Routes2 that will allow me to use .itn files made using Tyre?

Thank you.
A link where? The model comes with EasyMenu. There is no icon called 'EasyMenu' on the device. The links canderson provided show how to add functionality to that menu structure on the device.
After much Googling, I think I've come up with an effective way of planning, saving and launching an itinerary from XL IQRoutes 2.

You will need:

MenuTT (see post #10). This modifies the EasyMenu on the satnav to enable itinerary planning.

Tyre. This enables you to assign Waypoints to your preferred route.

TomTom Home2.

ITN Converter. Claims to be able to create itineraries, but I couldn't see how it's done. (If anyone discovers how to do this, then Tyre won't be needed.) Although Tyre copies .itn files direct to the satnav, I preferred to use ITN converter to export to the satnav via TomTom Home2. (It's more fun to use!)

I found the programs to be user-friendly so won't go into usage details here. However, to locate an itinerary on the satnav menu:

Tap screen> Done> Tap arrow icon until you find Itinerary Planning> Tap icon> Done> Yes> Done.

Choose either: Details> Browse As Text icons to check your Waypoints have been successfully loaded or just tap Done.

That's it!
First find someone with an XL2.....Anyone out there?
(a lot of people sent them back once they found out about the dumbed-down menu structure!)

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