ONE XL Update Issues

Mar 19, 2011
I have had my GPS for a year now and it has been great. I plugged it into my PC to update the software and it turned on and Tom Tom Home started up. Immediately I got a popup window stating that there were errors and I needed to scan the device. I did and errors were fixed.

I clicked on Update my Device in Home and get the following message: Error during scanning for navigation items Home Base I/O: Error Reading File: E:/voices/data08.chk @ .\portable\cfile.cpp(2013) 00000570.

I clicked OK to report the error to Tom Tom suipport.

Now my device wont turn on unless it is plugged into my computer. I tried to turn it on alone and nothing happens. If I have it plugged in my car it never moves past a black screen with the Tom Tom logo across the screen.

I downloaded the Flash Clean program and ran it but no improvement.

Also, my device does not have a reset button, so I am pretty stuck.

Any ideas?

Leigh Anne
Try this:

1. Connect to the computer (NOT Home) and make an Explorer backup. If not sure how, see here:

2. Click the Start icon-->type 'run'-->cmd.

3. In the box that opens, type chkdsk X: /f where X: represents the drive Windows shows as the tomtom unit.

4. Delete all the loose files in the root of the unit. NO folders or their contents.

5. Start Home. You will be offered an application. Accept and install.

6. disconnect the unit properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon.

7. Turn off the unit and restart it.

Any better?

(above steps presume you are on a pc, not a Mac)
I had the same thoing happen yesterday but I ended out stuck on the startup screen. When I followed the steps provided in support I now end out with the flashing X. It won't fix beyond that because I get a can't delete e:\data.chk and can't get past it.:confused::eek:
Did you try Mike's suggestion about renaming the file or my steps posted earlier in the thread about doing an Explorer backup and then running chkdsk?
Ya, all tried and unfortunatly none of it works. It keeps telling me the file is corrupted so it can't touch it at all.

Getting quite agrivated with it. Going to try all this on another computer in a few minutes.
I clicked on Update my Device in Home and get the following message: Error during scanning for navigation items Home Base I/O: Error Reading File: E:/voices/data08.chk @ .\portable\cfile.cpp(2013) 00000570

Looks like you have a corrupt voice on the Tomtom.

For the error above, go to a command prompt and run:
chkdsk e: /f

After that (assuming you have no paid voices), you can delete the e:\voices folder on your Tomtom.

Then go to Tomtom HOME and do "add voices" to put a voice back on the device.

Mistake, if you can post your specific error,we can better troubleshoot.
Got past the actual errors by switching to another computer but now I'm back to the problem of being stuck on the start up screen which then goes all green when I try to turn it off.
Also just noticed that when I turn it on it first goes to the screen of the tomtom plugged in and shows the disk symbol and bar across the bottom then goes to the start up screen (if not actually plugged in)

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