One 125 question please

Jan 17, 2009
Martinsburg, WV
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One 125
Hello all I am new to the forum plus new to any type of gps system. Just purchased a new TomTom One 125 and is there a way it will receive a sat while inside your house? Can you place a outside antenna next to it so it will receive a gps site? I know I sound stupid but like I said this is all new to me. Any help will be appreciated.
It will take longer to find a satallite fix inside. You might try a south facing window. Have you installed TomTom Home on yout computer yet? When you plug yout TT into you computer, one of the updates offered will be quickfix. This lets your unit know where the sats will be for the next week and makes link up quicker.
I just biited my 125 and after 20 seconds I didn't have a lock though it was seeing 5 sats. I hung it by the mount fron the blinds on my south facing window and it locked on in 3 or 4 seconds.
Tt 125

Thanks a million Ernie, I have a window right beside my computer facing the south west I will give it a try here in a bit and see what happens. Thanks again.
My TT will receive the satellites inside the house but it does take a long time and the number of locks is low. Welcome. de AE4DE

Hi there AE4DE, nice to meet another ham on here. I guess I got the cheapest one they make and its probably not a very good model who knows. This is all new to me I haven't even had it outside yet to see if it actually picks up a sat. I do have a question for you though, would it hurt anything when I fix it to my windshield and say I come home and forget to unplug the cig lighter adapter from it will it hurt anything? Also have one more question also, I am customizing a golf cart and on the cart forum I read where some of those guys are using a gps device to measure their speed of their carts after doing a mod to them. You have any idea of how their checking the speed of their carts from one of these gps's?
Thanks AE4DE appreciate your help.
Calvin N8CWR
I have found that I try to run it dead before plugging it in I posted a pic on the showoff area of mine. I have the power cable run to it ant use it when it gets low. I usually get bout 2+ hours of continuous use while driving. I have the 125 also, dont forget to call customer service to get your free 8.15 map upgrade as I found it will not automatically update. In addition, the google directions will not import currently.

Great to see you on here,

Navarro County SKYWARN
The units are meant to be run ATTACHED to the car charger. Why would you not want to use it that way?
Ok I did some research and actually learned something today:

lithium-ion batteries should be charged early and often. However, if they are not used for a long time, they should be brought to a charge level of around 40%–60%. Lithium-ion batteries should not be frequently fully discharged and recharged ("deep-cycled") like Ni-Cd batteries, but this is necessary after about every 30th recharge to recalibrate any external electronic "fuel gauge" (e. g. State Of Charge meter). This prevents the fuel gauge from showing an incorrect battery charge. I believe the voltage is this 3.7V/1200mAh Li-ion


I think either one of our resident battery experts here, such as GAW or canderson, may dispute some of your findings.

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