Offroad Navigator

Feb 23, 2008
Does anyone have any experience installing Webazar's Offroad Navigator 1.7B on TomTom One v4 version 7.162?
Because I've installed it, and it freezes my TomTom. I didn't changed the config file because I didn't find it in the offroad folder.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Does anyone have any experience installing Webazar's Offroad Navigator 1.7B on TomTom One v4 version 7.162?
Because I've installed it, and it freezes my TomTom. I didn't changed the config file because I didn't find it in the offroad folder.
Thanks in advance for any help.


Did you follow these instructions?
* install Offroad Navigator on your Tomtom
* run it once, the screen is garbaged
* stop it by clicking in the upper right corner of the screen
* connect your Tomtom to your PC and edit the file /offroad/config.txt with Wordpad
* in this file, change the line screenadaptation none in screenadaptation rider2
* save your mods and re-start your Tomtom
* run Offroad Navigator, the screen is OK
If you're still having trouble, here's a copy of the /offroad/config.txt file from my ONE 3rd Edition (v7.163) to put on your unit:

[Other parameters]
language english.lng
units english
colorscheme auto
targetdistance 100
gmtoffset -6
geoidfix no 48
coordinates decimal
snapping yes
[Manual parameters]
processperiod 500
[Colors parameters]
topforegroundcolors 0,0,0 255,255,255 204,204,204
bottomforegroundcolors 255,255,255 255,255,255 204,204,204
topbackgroundcolors 255,255,255 0,0,0
bottombackgroundcolors 0,0,128 0,0,128
linescolors 204,204,204 204,204,204
labelcolors 255,0,0 255,255,0
daybackground /mnt/sdcard/offroad/images/bgnd_day_small.bmp
nightbackground /mnt/sdcard/offroad/images/bgnd_night_small.bmp
screenadaptation rider2
Trying to install offroad navigator on my one xl. Home 2.5 sees the application but says it can not be installed cause it won't work on my unit. Also i've read about editing the config file, which file is the config file. Can anyone help?
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I am having the exact same problem with my GO 720, i have downgraded the firmware to 7.221 & when i use TomTom Home to install Offroad 1.7b it has an error saying that i cannot install it because it will no work on my device. Any solutions ???
I installed "BridgeMaster" & it runs, but i cannot figure out how to get it working. I have full satellite signal but the compass & everything just stays where it is, even when i walk around with the GPS, the compass did move for a second & the froze at the one position. I also managed to install "Offroad" by manually copying the folders to the GPS's memory but i get no GPS updates just like with "BridgeMaster" . Any ideas ???
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I installed "BridgeMaster" & it runs, but i cannot figure out how to get it working. I have full satellite signal but the compass & everything just stays where it is, even when i walk around with the GPS, the compass did move for a second & the froze at the one position. I also managed to install "Offroad" by manually copying the folders to the GPS's memory but i get no GPS updates just like with "BridgeMaster" . Any ideas ???

with bridgemaster, you can adapt the colors by klicking on the titel "bridgemaster". In the next window you can configure the colors in RGB
You can define a target by klicking on the GPS position left bottom part. In the next window, you klick on the latitude and longitude to enter the destination values. In the same window, you klick on the colored buttons to define if on the compass you want to see the source, destination, target, north, ...
The compass only shows the direction to north when it get it from the GPS. You need to drive thatfor. With x40 devices, only walking round at home is not sufficient to permit the Go to understand in which direction you are moving.

BridgeMaster will show you under the speed, the distance driven since start, the linear distance since start and the linear distance to target.


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