I had the same questions last week, and a couple more this week. I agree with Pezeke--Thanks Roussillat--awesome package!
I can help a little:
a) I had the same GMT issue, and used the same work around.
b) The flile button only works if you have .itn files in your itinerary directory (itn). I am using a One 130. By default the 130 does not support iteneraries, but Offroad Navigator does. You can create iteneraries using
Tyre , or by using the
houghi.org online Google Maps to TomTom itn converter. I am hoping to use Offroad Navigator to get to some of my frequented locations on a local lake. I used the houghi converter to make a sample itn file just to see what the format looked like. Then I made single itn files for all of the places on the lake that I want to be able to navigate to. (see sample below)
itn file: Lake_Murray_Marina.itn:
c) Can't help you on this one, but it sure would be nice to figure it out. Anyone???
Now my question:
I had 8 geo-referenced maps for the lake that I wanted to be able to navigate. I used
Marc Hillman's software to split those 8 maps into 168 maps to feed into Offroad Navigator. I renumbered the maps and created one config.map file that references all 168 maps. (Note: I had to renumber the maps because I had 8 maps originally that covered the lake. When you run the maps through Hillman's software, there isn't a way to name the files, the software does it for you, so I ended up with map numbers 1-21, 8 times.) When I was outside of the lake map coverage area, Offroad Navigator showed the default screen. As soon as I was in the coverage area, Offroad Navigator would crash and go immediately back to the TomTom map. Is there a limit to the number of maps you can put in the config.map file? The software worked flawlessly when I only had a single map coverage. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.