I find myself often not following an itinerary to the point and find it much more convenient to set up a personal POI category and enter all possible addresses for the trip as POIs.
Driving from Toronto to Albany I prefer to go through the Adirondacks instead of taking the fastest route via the Thruway and Buffalo. Instead of going through the process of making an itinerary I have POIs for the city center in Ogdensburg, NY and Lake Placid. Just before getting to the towns I call up the next one and am led through them via the fastest route.
I usually make my plans using Google Maps, trying to squeeze in as much mountain driving as possible.
In June/July I drove 14,000 km and on the fourth day made changes as I gained Time Zones and considerably higher speed limits than expected. In my trip POI I had several small by-way sections for the Black Hills, SD in hopes that time may allow to take some.of them. Sice I had gained 200 miles the day before, I was able to drive most of the hoped for by-ways.
I use Tyre after I made the POI to rename the places so that the first word becomes the significant one (town, address, attraction, etc.) when opening the POI. Tyre keeps the coordinates of a point in a separate register from the description so the location will not be changed although one can also drag the coordinates somewhere else (like the parking lot of a huge place instead of it's official street address.
Just another way to try maybe.