odd address question

Jun 15, 2007
Ok, I use my TT510 for work. So far, it has been great, but, I have one problem. One area that I frequent that is off the beaten path, but well documented, and has been around for more than 10 years. The problem is, when I enter the address, starting with the city, which is Kissimmee Florida, the streets in this particular area are not listed. Break out my handy map, go to the address, and the TT has the streets in there.... But, I can't search them. What's up with that? I at first thought maybe, because it's way out, maybe it's listed as a different city, but all my paper work, zip code, everything I search lists it as Kissimmee. It is a very rural area, and not even close to Kissimmee, but it's definetly not any closer to any other towns. I've searched via street, zip, crossroad, etc. It has some of the streets, but not all of them. But, like I said, when you actually go there, the TT shows the streets you are passing and turning on etc...
Don't know the exact version of the maps, but it up to date, in my truck, and its raining...
So, my question is, is there any other way to search on the TT while I'm out there, and figure out where these streets are located in the database? I mean, it knows they are there, but I can't find them:confused: :confused:
I'm lost on this one.

Half mile up, every single street is searchable...
I'va had this problem when searching for my work address. The company is located in Markham, Ontario and even says so on the company website and mailing address. However, when I plug in the address to google maps, the address city has changed to Richmond Hill. I plug in that new city and the company street is listed now.

Try plugging in the address on google maps and see if the city changes, its most likely the street is listed under a different street.
Good suggestion. Tried that just now, still says Kissimmee, fl. REally weird.

I guess my long winded question could be boiled down to: is there a way to find where you are, ie-city and zip on the GPS unit while you are out and about? If I could do that, I could figure out what the unit has it listed as...

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