Now! Navcore 7 upgrade for TomTom One v2 and S/N starting with "E"

Jun 3, 2007
Oregon, USA
10/29/2007 PLEASE NOTE... This procedure predates the official Navcore 7.x upgrade for TomTom One version 2 with serial numbers beginning with an "E".

First of all... Thanks to toni2047 for steering me in the right direction.

Here is a working method to finally upgrade your TT1 v2 with the SiRFFIII chip set and a serial number that begins with "E".

NOTE! No maps are provided by this upgrade. TomTom has not made them available at this time.

REQUIRED! You must use TomTom Home 1.5.

REQUIRED! You must have a card reader installed on, or connected to, your computer.

IMPORTANT! This process may not work if your TT1 is attached to your computer. You will be working with the SD card exclusively.

VERY IMPORTANT! Do a full backup of your TT1 first.


1. Remove the SD card from your One and insert it in the card reader.

2. Start TomTom Home 1.5. The SD card will be discovered by Home.

3. On the Home menu, select Device | Change device

4. In the "Select a device" window, click the "Change target device" button at the lower left of the window.

5. A window with several device types will pop up.

6. Select the third instance of "TomTom ONE New Edition" and click OK.

7. The familiar Update/Upgrade search will be performed.

8. Deselect all but QuickFix and the TomTom application items. Do not upgrade the Home application or any maps!

9. Perform the download normally. You will be prompted to do a backup...but you've already done that...RIGHT?

10. The SD card will be accessed and the old data will be replaced.

11. If all goes well, you're finished. Install the SD card in your disconnected TT1 and do some testing.


I made the upgrade to the very first backup of my device. All of the add-ons (Suntime, modified menus, custom start-up and shut-down graphics, custom POIs) were not installed. You can experiment here if you like, however I think it is wise to keep the upgrade process as uncomplicated as possible. A backup immediately after the upgrade is good insurance.

As soon as I get some real-world testing done, I'll see about restoring the customizations.

That's it!
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and if you don't have a card reader, you'll have to wait eh?
Well, actually, technically, you might be able to copy file-for-file the entire memory card and then mount it as a drive within Windows, and then try getting TomTom Home to access it. It's worth a shot if you are stuck without a card reader.
and if you don't have a card reader, you'll have to wait eh?

I dont have a reader either, but i found out that my digi cam can act as a reader and it all worked thru that. I got the new software and it looks great. All i need now is map 6.75 w/o giving my arm and leg for it. Is it possible for folks with the map upgrade 2 upload it for download and install???
So let me get this straight...As long as you have a Tomtom v2 (new edition) starting with serial E, this will work?
Does the sound and everything work? Have there been any problems?

Also, if i install this on another (new) SD card, can I put my old SD card (original Tomtom card) back in and use the 6.5 app instead of the new 7 app? (which would be on the new SD card)

Is it that easy?

Also, if i install this on another (new) SD card, can I put my old SD card (original Tomtom card) back in and use the 6.5 app instead of the new 7 app? (which would be on the new SD card)

Is it that easy?


Correct! That will work!
Voices work fine. POI notification sounds...I haven't tried it yet.

So let me get this straight...As long as you have a Tomtom v2 (new edition) starting with serial E, this will work?
Does the sound and everything work? Have there been any problems?

Maybe someone else can answer the question about the POI notification sounds. My guess is that they do work as anticipated.

I've completed a couple of days of around-town testing, with no problems. With the 6.75 map set and MapShare, I've been able to repair some bogus navigation tendencies that have irritated me for months. I have not noted any slowdown or screen brightness issues.

One curiosity I have noticed... With the 6.56 system and the 6.75 map set, I always had a good route directly out of my driveway at home. With the new system, instead of turning "Right", I am now instructed to go "Left". Heading left is totally illogical and takes me out into the boonies before sending me to the appropriate route. It certainly is not even remotely close to being the fastest requested.

Once again, this behavior illustrates my claim that the maps are NOT the primary cause of the stupid routing that shows up time after time. The logic used within the navigation engine of the system application is a more likely to be the culprit. We need to be pointing our fingers at the TomTom application developers....not at Tele Atlas.

Regarding the upgrade... Could it be that easy?

Remember, this upgrade is not a hack. The upgrade code and the delivery tools are pure TomTom. TomTom has been doing a rolling upgrade. It's a strategic move to limit customer service calls and lighten the load on their distribution server. Though those tactics may make perfectly good business sense to TomTom, they are an example of bad planning and an unwelcome manipulation of their customer base.

What TomTom may or may not choose to do in October, is to formally release this update procedure. No doubt, the formal process will be available through Home 2. Any additional updates in October and beyond will be available to all previously upgraded devices.

Yes! It is that easy to perform the upgrade.
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Remember, this upgrade is not a hack. The upgrade code and the delivery tools are pure TomTom.

It is a hack in that you have to trick into believing you are using a different version of the One. Navcore 7 may not even be totally ready for all versions of the One which could be one reason why its being held back. So, it is not totally safe by doing this. Sure, most likely they are just rolling out the update slowly, but this method certainly isn't approved.
Maps for v675

I'd like to say that TomTom will not give out, under any circumstances, v675 maps. Unfortunate, since the new application update gives some units MapShare, but then says "Hey, your map is out of date and won't work with MapShare!" That's a half-truth. MapShare will only work on v675 map. SO, to use it, you would have to buy the map.

However, with the web shop down until no sooner than October 1st..That's currently impossible
thestarshine said:
[blah blah blah blah blah]...

There's at least one post in this very thread that proves your point incorrect.

You know... I see that you've posted a grand total of 3 messages on these forums. I've also read all three of them, in this morning's batch of new messages. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, and are just spewing random (and incorrect) anti-TomTom messages around the forum.

Do you have a contribution to make to this community, or are you just here in a trolling capacity?
Wiley, thanks a lot for your explicit instructions. Worked like a charm for me, and my ONE seems to lock onto satellites quicker now instead of slower like some users have claimed.

Thanks again,

Thanks for the easy to follow instructions! Worked flawlessly!:D
Thank you very much, worked like a charm. Here is a screen shot where you say

"6. Select the third instance of "TomTom ONE New Edition" and click OK."

The arrow is pointing to the one to pick


And this is what it looks like when done :)


Again thanks for the write up.
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