NorthAmerica maps

Oct 14, 2007
sorry if this has been asked already.i have v665.1293 north America maps. is there a newer on? or is this the last one? or how many since this one have been released?
thanks a lot:)
sorry if this has been asked already.i have v665.1293 north America maps. is there a newer on? or is this the last one? or how many since this one have been released?
thanks a lot:)

I have the latest maps on my TomTom LE and it says map version: v710.1575
Well, I don't know where/how u got a N.A. map, but the latest, depending on your devices "born on date" (which doesn't exist without some major digging) and the TT support reps instructions, the phase of the moon, time of year and pending lawsuits, the latest might be 675 or 7.1.

675 gives you mapshare, which is, from my point of view, an "open-source" method to notify mappers that the 2 or 3 year old map you have is not particularly "up-to-date", at which at some point, someone will find the "trouble ticket" pop up in their inbox to verify validity of your claim.

Forget about the latest map guarantee, it doesn't exist unless you spent enought money on the latest and greatest.

Not to dis TT, but they still have "selective availabilty" turned on.
yes i do have the usa and canada maps. are the north america maps better i live in canada.i wonted to if the north America v665.1293 was the latest map. my friend had the disc at home. so i wonted to maby put it on my tomtom one.
thats why i was asking if it was the latest map and was it worth it to put it on my tomtom.
There is a north american 675 (I have that one) and also a north american 7.10 which appears to be the latest.

version 675 is about 1.5 megs. you need a card supporting device and a 2g card to install them.

and yes, it's much better than 665/675 canada/USA though still not perfect. more streets and subdivisions on the north american maps and many more POI's. the Canada/USA maps are cut down in both detail and POI's to fit the 1g internal memory.
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does anybody have the north America v665.1293 i just wont to know if its a good version before i install it? or should i get another version of north America?
Digital Flex uses the NA 665 maps in Canada.
Maybe he can chime in.

The 665 maps were available last year on a DVD to new TomTom users.
Map v6.65 is considered by some on this forum to be inferior to v6.50. V6.75 is an improvement. No clear word yet on how v7.10 shapes up.

By the way, what you plan to do (using your friend's map) is not legit. You will also need an activation code for this to work. One map for one unit.
NA 6.65 was an improvement over 6.50 - at least my street got on it.

Am looking at 7.10 NA Map from UK or NE site (somehow my account that I set up shows up on the system as being over there in NE). Again - have members been successfully buying maps from these sites and getting them activated over here ?
NA 6.65 was an improvement over 6.50 - at least my street got on it.

Am looking at 7.10 NA Map from UK or NE site (somehow my account that I set up shows up on the system as being over there in NE). Again - have members been successfully buying maps from these sites and getting them activated over here ?

I got my North_America 2G 710 from the UK site without problem. You'll need a bigger card. Also, tell the site you have a 720 and you'll see the map. Same price a USA_Canada, and better detail. :)

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