no maps :(

Dec 29, 2010
My boyfriend bought me a 335 XLT for Christmas and it has just been problem after problem to get it working.

When I plugged it in and connected to Home, it offered me the North America update. I downloaded it (took around 80 minutes) and gave me some sort of I/O error when trying to install to the TomTom itself. It ejected my TomTom and then I realized I have NO maps whatsoever.

Frustrated, I called customer service (waiting on the line for around 45 minutes but the lady was an angel :)) and she took me through a few steps - namely deleting the North_America_P folder from the tomtom, running windows fix thingy (can't remember the name lol) and then deleting my downloaded and device folders from the mydocs/tomtom/home folder.

She figured things should be good to go and let me go to download the map again and try to reinstall. Again I waited 80 or so minutes for the download and it seemed as if the map was going to install successfully to the tomtom until it got stuck at a point giving me an error (something like S:\North America\cnode.dat ... didn't write the exact thing down)

I came on here looking for help and realized a few other people have the same (or a somewhat similar) issue. I tried the remedy of installing manually without success (maybe i did something wrong?) and decided to start from fresh like the customer service rep made me do before.

Does anyone have any tips? I'm really getting frustrated... seems like the software is buggy and it's really a shame :/

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