no additional maps for Tom Tom GO LIVE 1015

Oct 19, 2009
I´m living in Argentina but buy my Tom Toms in Germany.
Years ago, I bought Tom Tom GO 950 LIVE and dowloaded the map for Argentina/Uruguay, which works up to now perfectly.
After the years passed by, I thought it would be a good idea to purchase a newer version (from the same store in Berlin: Media Markt) and decided for Tom Tom GO LIVE 1015, as it was the best option as the salesperson told me.
Back in Buenos Aires I tried to download again the map for Argentina using the corresponding options in the software, but it didn´t work.
So I contacted the corresponding department from Tom Tom (Kundendienst) and was told that this speciffic model doesn´t allow downloading new maps!
I´m really upset by this situation, as (a) the salespeople in the store did not advice me about this restriction, (b) the product-box and the included information did not mention anything about it, and (c) the To Tom menu options seem to suggest that you can purchase online – as usual - new maps, even the one for Argentina!
This hard to understand situation makes teh new Tom Tom useless for me, unless somebody can show me the way to download the map mentioned to the GO LIVE 1015!
If you have MyTomTom installed (get it at AND you have the latest application for your model (12.035), then when you log into the computer with your unit connected AND start MyTomTom, you should be able to purchase maps other than just upgrades to the map that came with your device in the first place.

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